A synopsis of recent Youth Service Awards:
Adel Rotary Club (IA); March 29, 2019; Dallas County News (award)
The Dallas County Foundation (DCF) has announced it awarded $2,000 to the Adel Rotary Club for tents for the Boy Scouts.
Alexandria Rotary Club in Virginia
Alexandria Rotary Club (VA); May 27, 2019; Alexandria Gazette Packet (award)
Alexandria Rotary Club presented scholarships and IFSR certificates to two Eagle Scouts at its 21st annual Rotary Scout Luncheon. In addition, Mike wicks, immediate past president of the Alexandria Rotary Club was presented the IFSR Cliff Dochterman Award. |
Alice Springs Rotary Club (Australia); May 7, 2019; Alice Springs News Online (award)
The Alice Springs Bangtail Muster entertains thousands of people and raises funds for charity. The Alice Springs Girl Guides were judged the Best Community group among the participants.
Atherton Rotary Club (UK); May 8, 2019; IFSR Facebook Page (award)
The Atherton Rotary made a donation to Atherton Scouts based to help them raise much needed funds. The Rotary Club supports projects for a number of Scout groups. They in turn support Rotary throughout the year with events including fundraisers and a Christmas campaign.
Auburn Rotary Club (AL); January 2, 2019; oanow.com. (award)
Boy Scout Troop 50, chartered by the Auburn Rotary Club, donated toys to benefit the city of Auburn's annual toy drive. The donations included bicycles, sports gear, board games, books and toddler toys. The troop made this service effort an annual even since its founding in 2012.
Barrow-in-Furness & Furness Peninsula Rotary Clubs in UK
Barrow-in-Furness & Furness Peninsula Rotary Clubs (UK); February 26, 2019; The Mail (award)
Liam Edgley, of 1st & 7th Barrow Scouts, Finley Briars and Sarah Johnston from Xenolith Explorer Scout Group in Ulverston and Rhodri Silcocks, of Dalton-based Duddon Dragons, will receive assistance to attend the World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia from Barrow Rotary Club, Barrow-in-Furness Rotary Club, and Furness Peninsula Rotary Club. |
Bethel Park Rotary Club (PA); February 17, 2019; The Almanac (award)
For her Girl Scout Gold Award, Eliza Albenze gave a series of presentations to the Bethel Park Rotary Club and other organizations based on recycling, the new recycling polices, and how to recycle properly.
Benzie Sunrise Rotary (MI); March 1, 2019; Manistee News Advocate (award)
Benzie Sunrise Rotary is helping Boy Scout Troop 10 raise $25,000 for a trip to Alaska. The troop also has did fund raising at Winterfest, rubber duck racing, a fireworks show, and numerous other events.
Berkeley Heights Rotary Club (NJ); May 16, 2019; TapIntoBerkleyHeights (award)
The Berkeley Heights Rotary Club 16th Annual Rubber Ducky Festival benefits a number of community organizations including over 300 Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.
Billingshurst & District Rotary Club (UK); June 28, 2019; The District Post (award)
Billingshurst & District Rotary Club and the Billingshurst Scout & Guide Group jointly organized the annual Billingshurst Show to raise much needed funds for charity.
Boardman Rotary Club (OH); March 21, 2019; Youngstown Vindicator (award)
At the Maple Syrup Charity Festival, Boardman Rotary Club had a pancake breakfast and Boy Scout Troop 60 demonstrated Scouting skills. A basket raffle to benefited Boardman's Boy Scout Troop 60.
Calhoun Rotary Club (GA); April 30, 2019; Northwestgeorgianews.com (award)
The Calhoun Rotary Club invited Northwest Georgia Council Field Director, John Norwood, to bring them up to date on Scouting in Northwest Georgia.
Cambridge Sawston Rotary Club (UK); May 18, 2019; Haverhill Echo (award)
The Cambridge Sawston Rotary Club's Sawston Fun Run will benefit many charities including the Sawston Guides. Among those helping were local scouts.
Cheboygan Rotary Club (MI); March 29, 2019; Cheboygan Daily Tribune (award)
Cheboygan Rotary Club received an update by Scout Troop 1240. Troop 1240 is the only troop in the district that holds a dual charter with both Rotary and Kiwanis.
Cherryville Rotary Club (NC); May 17, 2019; Shelbystar.com (award)
The Cherryville Rotary Club charters Boy Scout Troop 323. Recently 4 members of Troop 323 earned the Four-Star Award by earning the four levels of Scouting's religious awards.
Chestertown Rotary Club (NY); January 19, 2019; The Sun Community News (award)
The Chestertown Rotary Club supports the food pantries and libraries of Chester and Horicon, as well as the activities of local scouting groups — and the projects that Boy Scouts undertake to earn Eagle Scout status.
Cochrane Rotary Club (Canada); February 28, 2019; Cochrane Eagle (award)
Cochrane Rotary Club announced three major fundraisers events to benefit Camp Jubilee for the Calgary and Area Girl Guides. Events include a golf tournament, a community banquet, and an outhouse race.
Cohasset Rotary Club (MA); March 19, 2019; Wicked Local (award)
Cohasset Rotary Club sponsored a new Scouts BSA Troop 48 for girls. The new troop is already planning camping trips this spring, as well as a week of camping at the BSA's residential camp, Camp Squanto, in Plymouth.
Collie Rotary Club (Australia); June 4, 2019; Collie Mail (award)
At a recent troop meeting, the Collie Scouts presented a memento to the Collie Rotary Club, and other civic groups that have supported them.
Connersville Rotary Club (IN); January 22, 2019; Connersville News Examiner (award)
The Connersville Rotary Club invited Everett Young of Connersville, the Bear Creek district executive for BSA, to speak about how the Boy Scout program draws and keeps the interests of young people, positively influences their lives and provides opportunities they may not have.
Coronado Rotary Club (CA); February 5, 2019; The Coronado Times (award)
Coronado Rotary's annual charity golf tournament is one of our major fundraisers providing assistance to numerous community and international programs including Support for Eagle and Gold Scout Projects, Scholarships and Supplies.
Cypress Fairbanks Rotary Club in Texas

Cypress Fairbanks Rotary Club (TX); February 6, 2019; Facebook (award)
Cypress Fairbanks Rotary Club proudly charters 3 Scout troops in The Big Cypress District. Troop 901 proudly displays the Rotary logo on its new Scout trailer. |
Dallas Rotary Club (OR); February 13, 2019; Itemizer-Observer (award)
Eagle Candidate Samuel Noack asked the Dallas Rotary Club if it knew of something that would make a good Eagle project. The result was that Samuel's project was to rebuild the 20 sections of the stage at the fairgrounds.
District 7730 Passport Rotary Club in North Carolina

District 7730 Passport Rotary Club (NC); February 11, 2019; CarolinaCoastOnline. (award)
Passport Rotary Club chartered all-female Scout Troop 7730 and co-ed Sea Scout Ship 7730 by District 7730 Passport Rotary Club in Morehead City, NC. |
Durham Elvet Rotary Club (UK); April 10, 2019; Thenorthernecho.co.uk (award)
The Durham Elvet Rotary Club, with help from 5th Durham City Scout Group and other community organizations, were able to place AEDs in Brandon Community Hall and Meadowfield Social Club.
East Nassau Rotary Club (Bahamas); May 2, 2019; Tribune 242 (award)
The East Nassau Rotary Club's 33rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament will benefit The Scout Association of The Bahamas and other charity efforts.
East Sutherland Rotary Club (UK), March 18, 2019; Northern Times. (award)
East Sutherland Rotary Club hosted Poppy Watson, a 14-year-old girl, was among a group of Scouts from the Highlands and Islands who spent three weeks in Kenya last summer working on a variety of projects in slum areas with the Amuka Foundation and Kenya Scout Association.
Edwardsville Rotary Club (IL); January 21, 2019; The RiverBender.com (award)
The Edwardsville Rotary Club and other organizations provided much of the funding needed for the Eagle Scout project of Anthony Evans to replace a majority of the Metro East Humane Society's building's lighting with higher efficiency LEDs. Volunteers included electricians, family, fellow Scouts, and adult Scout leaders.
Esperance Bay Rotary Club (Australia); January 3, 2019; The Esperance Express. (award)
Rotary Club of Esperance Bay helped sponsor six members of the Esperance Scout Group to the Australian Jamboree, which is held every three years and is Scouts Australia's biggest event, with around 10,000 expected to attend. The group received assistance from other community groups.
Evansville Rotary Club (IN), February 5, 2019; Tristate Homepage.com (award)
Evansville Rotary Club presented $20,000 to the United Methodist Youth Home which in turn planted 220 trees at the Boy Scout Center.
Fairfield Rotary Club (TX); April 12; 2019; The Freestone County Times (award)
When the Fairfield Rotary Club held their 45th Annual Fairfield Rotary Show, they opened with members of Cub Scout Pack 668 Presenting the Colors and leading the Pledge of Allegiance.
Fox Chapel Rotary Club (PA); April 30, 2019; Triblive.com (award)
The Fox Chapel Charity Golf Classic raised funds to benefits Camp Guyasuta, the Boy Scout-owned camp in O'Hara. The camp sustained more than $450,000 in damage in flooding last summer.
Francistown Rotary Club (Botswana); February 3, 2019; Botswana Book Project. (award)
Rotary Club of Francistown, Botswana, and the Francistown Scouts worked together to the first shipment of 2019 for the Botswana Book Project. Tacoma Sunrise Rotary sponsored this first shipment and will join BBP during deliveries to some of the recipient schools in March.
Gaborone Rotary Club in Botswana

Tom DeFayette (left), Sunrise Rotary Club, Plattsburgh, New York presents the IFSR Youth Award to William McLellan (center), President, Gaborone Rotary Club, in Botswana on March 29, 2019. On the right is Bob Romeo Africa, SouthEast District Scout Commissioner, Botswana Scout Association.
Gaborone Rotary Club (Botswana); February 23, 2019; IFSR Website. (award)
Scouts participate in tree planting ceremony as Tebogo George, President, Rotary Club, Gaborone, and Thabiso Keitire, Botswana Scouts Association plant a tree as part of a Messenger of Peace project on March 24, 2018. |
Galt Sunrise Rotary Club (CA); February 6, 2019; The Galt Herald (award)
Galt Sunrise Rotary invites BSA Troop 1119 of Galt to serve at their annual Community Dinner which serves 1,200 meals and delivers 300 more. Troop 1119 signed applications for a new patrol with five female members effective Feb. 1, 2019.
Great Falls Rotary Club (MT); April 12, 2019; Great Falls Tribune (award)
The Great Falls Rotary Club held its annual Eagle and Gold Scouts' Recognition luncheon, recognizing 16 Eagle Scouts and 2 Gold Award Girls Scouts.
Great Falls Rotary Club in New Jersey

Great Falls Rotary Club (NJ); February 20, 2019; Tap into Paterson (award)
Members of Girl Scout Troop 9 volunteered to work at the Great Falls Rotary Club Military Assistance Pantry. |
Grove Rotary Club (OK); February 5, 2019; Grand Lake News (award)
Grove Rotary Club presented $97,529 to local charities including $700 to Boy Scout Troop 78 for troop equipment and camp scholarships.
Hampton Rotary Club (NH); April 4, 2019; Seacoastonlime.com (award)
The Hampton Rotary Club sponsored the Eagle Project of Noah Taracena to increase public access to the Hampton Town Forest by adding two designated parking areas at the Jonty's Lane trailhead off of Barbour Road. The trail leads to Hampton's Town Forest.
Hazleton Rotary Club (PA); March 5, 2019; Wilkes Barre Times-Leader (award)
Hazleton Rotary Club obtained a Rotary community grant of $2,500 for Minsi Trails Council, BSA, for the BSA's Scoutreach Program at Maple Manor Elementary Middle School in Hazleton.
Hermosa Beach Rotary Club (CA); March 2, 2019; Easy Reader News (award)
Hermosa Beach Rotary Club shares its meeting place with the Boy Scout Troop 860 who meet there and store their supplies and camping equipment there..
Horsham Rotary Club (UK); January 10, 2019; The District Post. (award)
Horsham Rotary Club President, William Harmsworth, was particularly pleased to see the recent huge support from Horsham Scout Groups given to the Horsham Rotary Club Christmas collections, which raised nearly £6500; the money going to help the less fortunate in our community.
Ilkley Rotary Club (UK); April 5, 2019; Telegraph & Argus (award)
The Ilkley Rotary Club supported the building of a new Burley Scout and Guide hut which replaces the old hut which was beyond repair.
Ithaca Sunrise Rotary Club (NY); January 28, 2019; The Ithaca Voice. (award)
The Baconator Patrol of Ithaca's 100-year-old Troop 4 (sponsored by Ithaca Sunrise Rotary) won the Tompkins and Cortland Counties Winter Camporee by demonstrating a wide variety of Scout skill.
Kalamalka Rotary Club (Canada); March 22, 2019; InfoTel News Ltd. (award)
Kalamalka Rotary Club distributed $200,000 to groups including the Coldstream Scout's to help with their attendance at the Provincial Jamboree.
Kentland Rotary Club (IN); June 21, 2019; Newton County Enterprise (award)
Life Scout David Hamilton of Troop 149 in Brook was invited to speak to the Kentland Rotary Club about his Eagle project to build a Gaga Ball Pit in a local park.
Kidderminster Rotary Club in UK

Kidderminster Rotary Club (UK); February 15, 2019; The Shuttle. (award)
Kidderminster Rotary Club provided funds for the Kidderminster Scouts to acquire 22 moe bunk beds and other furniture at Rhydd Covert Scout Campsite. |
Knaresborough Rotary Club in UK

Knaresborough Rotary Club (UK); April 7, 2019; Harrogate Advertiser (award)
Knaresborough Rotarians, along with the 1st Scriven Cubs and Scouts, recently spent time at the town's castle cleaning the benches in preparation for the tourist season. |
Knighton & District Rotary Club (UK); May 17, 2019; Hereford Times (award)
The Knighton & District Rotary Club visited the 2nd Knighton Brownies and gave the group a donation which will be used for new program resources such as skills builder/unit meeting activities, badge books and badges.
La Crosse Rotary Club (WI); April 9, 2019; News8000.com (award)
The BSA Gateway Area Council presented their annual Visionary Award to the La Crosse Rotary Club in recognition of their 100 years of service to the community and significant contributions towards Scouting.
Lakeville Rotary Club (MN); May 9, 2019; Sun Thisweek (award)
The Lakeville Rotary Club's Taste of Lakeville festival will raise funds for Boy and Girl Scout troops and other worthy organizations.
Leighton Linslade Rotary Club in UK

Leighton Linslade Rotary Club (UK); March 29, 2019; Leighton Buzzard Today. (award)
The Leighton Linslade Rotary Club May Day Fayre will feature the award winning Grafton District Scout Band, "A Marching Band for all Scouts" which takes members from the Scouting community aged six upwards that have a love of music. |
Lima Rotary Club (OH); March 21, 2019; Lima Ohio. (award)
Lima Rotary Club invited Scout Executive Marc Krogan to discuss the Boy Scouts of America at the meeting.
Longview Rotary Club (TX); May 26, 2019; Longview News-Journal (award)
The Longview Rotary Club, with the assistance of local Scout groups, places flags at businesses and residences 6 times a year on patriotic holidays.
Los Alamos Rotary Club in New Mexico

Los Alamos Rotary Club (NM); April 16, 2019; Los Alamos Daily Post (award)
The Los Alamos Rotary presented Girl Scout Natalie Aulwes its Distinguished Student of Service Award. She is a Girl Scouts of America Ambassador having received Bronze and Silver Awards. She mentors Girl Scout robotic teams, and has given presentations "Discover Engineering" day events for Girl Scouts. |
Los Banos Rotary Club (CA); February 25, 2019; Los Banos Enterprise. (award)
Los Banos Rotary Club Crab Feed is the main fundraiser for the Los Banos Rotary Club, which benefits the many good causes including Boy Scout Troop 85.
Lynnwood Rotary Club (CA); June 24, 2019; MLT News (award)
As part of his Eagle Scout Project, Zachary Hochman organized a crew of volunteers to build two new race cars for the special-needs community for the Lynnwood Rotary Club's annual Challenge Series Race.
Market Harborough Rotary Club (UK); May 30, 2019; Harborough Mail (award)
The Market Harborough Rotary Club gave grants to local charities including the 5th MH Scouts and 1st Bowdens Scout Group.
Maysville Rotary Club (KY); June 23, 2019; The Ledger Independent (award)
Maysville Rotary Club restored its clubhouse after it was inundated by a flash flood so that their club and other community organization such as the Boy Scouts could return to the building.
Menlo Park Rotary Club (CA); May 9, 2019; InMenlo (award)
The Menlo Park Rotary Club awarded a grant to the Boy Scouts of America Scout Reach program. This is a leadership and personal development program for underserved youth.
Middleburgh Rotary Club (NY); March 12, 2019; Oneonta Daily Star. (award)
Middleburgh Rotary Club and Boy Scout Troop 2 managed the 7th annual Cider Run, a 10K run, 5K run, 5K walk and kids' fun run, with proceeds to benefit the Susquehanna Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA.
Mill Valley Rotary Club (CA); March 1, 2019; Patch.com. (award)
Mill Valley Rotary Club made a donation to help Eagle Scout Candidate David Gilmore, a Community Emergency Response Team member, convert a trailer into a Mobile Incident Command Center for his Eagle Project.
Morris Rotary Club (NY); April 19, 2019; The Oneonta Daily Star (award)
The Morris Rotary Club held its annual chicken and biscuit dinner to support the Boy Scout and Girl Scout programs in Morris. The club charters the Cub Scout and Boy Scout troops.
Morristown Rotary Club (NJ); February 3, 2019; Tap into Morristown. (award)
Morristown Rotary Club gave $2,500 to the Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey which provides Scouting opportunities to 18,000 New Jersey girls. The grant will purchase cots for overnight camps.
Mount Carroll Rotary Club (IL); March 20, 2019; Carroll County Mirror-Democrat. (award)
Mount Carroll Rotary Club held its third annual gala dinner-dance gala event to raise funds for Cub Scout Pack 51, the Girl Scouts, and many other worthy local organizations.
Mt. Shasta Rotary Club (CA); May 2, 2019; Taft Midway Driller (award)
Boy Scout Troop 97 and Girl Scout Troop 74 will be participating in the Mt. Shasta Rotary Youth Fishing Day. The first 100 registrants will receive a camping book.
New Bremen-New Knoxville Rotary Club (OH); March 26, 2019; The Evening Leader. (award)
Taylor Paul described her Gold Award project, to the New Bremen-New Knoxville Rotary Club. She is creating an orchard and food pantry at St. Paul UCC. The orchard will feature some dwarf trees and six raised garden beds that will grow strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, tomatoes, onions and asparagus.
North Conway Rotary in New Hampshire

North Conway Rotary Club (NH); April 9, 2019; The Conway Daily Sun (award)
The North Conway Rotary, with the support of the local Girl Scouts and other organizations, were able to pack 1,700 bags of fortified food mix for the Rise Against Hunger international relief organization. |
Northville Rotary Club (NY); January 27, 2019; The Leader-Herald. (award)
Northville Rotary Club's Winterfest helped Cub Scouts learn to use tools to make bird houses, and Girl Scouts make bracelets for other people.
Northwich Rotary Club (UK); March 4, 2019; So Cheshire. (award)
Northwick Rotary Club announced its 2019 Northwich River Festival. Teams from Mid Cheshire Scout Association will be racing on the Sunday mornin.
Nutley Rotary Club (NJ); February 9, 2019; Tap into Nutley (award)
Braden Somers, 12, of Girl Scout Troop 20642 is working hard at banning plastic bags in Nutley, a project to earn her Silver Award. Somers received support from the Sierra Club and the Nutley Rotary Club.
Paso Robles Rotary Club (CA); April 9, 2019; Paso Robles Daily News (award)
The Paso Robles Rotary Club sponsors Boy Scout Troop 60 which has graduated 123 Scouts to Eagle Scout rank.
Pickering Rotary Club (UK); May 4, 2019; North Yorkshire County Council (award)
The Pickering Rotary Club sponsored and the 2nd Pickering Girls Guides supported the first Pickering Celebration of Youth in which local youth groups provided a wide variety of activities representative of their organizations in order to attract new members.
Ripley Rotary Club (WV); January 22, 2019; Jackson Newspapers. (award)
Steve Cogar, Scout Master and fellow Rotarian, presented Melissa Kerns, president of the Ripley Rotary, with a Community Service Award on behalf of the International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians. The award is in recognition of the Ripley Rotary's service to the youth of the community.
Rome Rotary Club (GA); February 9, 2019; Rome News Tribune. (award)
Rome Rotary Club teamed up with the BSA Northwest Georgia Council to supply the Salvation Army and other organizations with food donations for the third annual Scouting for Food event. The Scouts collected the food and the Rotarians unloaded and sorted the donations.
Salisbury Rotary Club (UK); April 14, 2019; Salisbury Journal (award)
The Salisbury Rotary Club held its annual Cub Scout chess competition. It had 27 competitors. The winning Cub Pack was the 23rd Salisbury.
Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club (FL); February 26, 2019; Sanibel Captiva Islander. (award)
The Sanibel Boy Scout Troop volunteered to help at the Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club Arts & Crafts Festival which support club activities such as providing college scholarships, wheelchairs for those in need, food for the hungry and shelter for people natural disasters.
Slidell & Slidell-Northshore Rotary Clubs (LA); April 18, 2019; New Orleans Advocate (award)
The Slidell & Slidell-Northshore Rotary Clubs provided a grant to the Boy Scouts of America-Cypress District to help fund camps and purchase equipment for five Scout troops and two Venture groups.
Sonoma Valley Rotary Club (CA): January 24, 2019; Sonoma Index-Tribune. (award)
Sonoma Valley Rotary Club held its annual Luck O' the Irish event – a rousing St. Patrick's Day dinner party to raise up to $100,000 to fund grants for a variety of local groups including $250 to an Eagle Scout for his Eagle Project.
Springfield Rotary Club (NJ); January 25, 2019; Tap into Springfield. (award)
Springfield Rotary Club helped Gold Award Candidate Caitlynn McTernan, a member of Girl Scout Troop 40-739 provide the Springfield Public Library with assitive technology to help people with learning disabilities.
Swindon Rotary Club (UK); May 9, 2019; This is Wiltshsire (award)
The Swindon Rotary Club's 30th Charity Ball raised funds for 8 local charities including the 12th Swindon scout group.
Tupelo Rotary Club (MS); February 13, 2019; Daily Journal. (award)
Tupelo Rotary Club used a District Grant to contribute $2,000 Girl Scouts Heart of the South.
Ulverston Rotary Club (UK); March 3, 2019; Cumbria Crack. (award)
Ulverston Rotary Club selected Xenolith Explorer Scouts and Rotary Interact Club members Sarah Johnston and Finley Bryers both 14yr old students from Ulverston Victoria High School to attend the World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia
Upper St. Clair-Bethel Park Rotary Club (PA); April 22, 2019; the almanac.net (award)
The Scouts from Troop 366 help the Upper St. Clair-Bethel Park Rotary Club's annual chicken barbecue and in turn, the Rotary club provides support for new tents, supplies, and funding for some Scouts to attend leadership camp.
Valley City Rotary Club (ND); January 15, 2019; Valley City Times Record. (award)
Valley City Rotary Club held its Annual Pancake and Sausage Supper to supporti the a Scholarship fund and other local organizations. Valley City Boy Scout Troop 560 helped the Rotarians serve.
Walla Walla Rotary Club (WA); March 13, 2019; Walla Walla Union-Bulletin. (award)
Walla Walla Rotary Club helped sponsor a dinner to raise funds to help 8 Walla Walla Scouts join the 2019 World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia at the Bechtel Summit Scout Reservation.
Westchester Rotary Club (CA), March 6, 2019; Argonaut Online. (award)
Westchester Rotary Club's biennial Makeover Project gave the community center, which hosts meetings of Boy and Girl Scout troops, new doors, windows, stage curtains, cabinetry and floors, plus newly refurbished wheelchair-accessible bathrooms.
Westminster Rotary Club in Maryland

Westminster Rotary Club (MD); January 9, 2019; Carroll County Times. (award)
At a recent Good Scout breakfast, Carroll District of the Baltimore Area Council, BSA, honored Rotarian Dr. James E. Lightner. Dr. Lightner for the many ways he exemplifies the qualities enumerated in the Scout law, especially loyalty, helpfulness and kindness. He is a member of the Westminster Rotary Club. |
Weston & Wayland Rotary Club (MA); April 1, 2019; Wayland Wicked Local (award)
The Weston & Wayland Rotary Club presented Girl Scout Alyssa Azzam their Rising Youth Leadership Award. Among other activities, her Silver Award project was to promote pet ownership to improve people's lives. It was supported by the Weston Council on Aging.
Wetumpka Rotary Club (AL); March 25, 2019; Wetumpka Herald. (award)
Wetumpka Rotary Club donated $10,838, to be split evenly, Troop 13 Scoutmaster Scott Rouse and Troop 50 Scoutmaster Gardner Perdue. The funds will be used to build a new Scout lodge after the old one was heavily damaged in a storm.
Back to Synopsis of YSA
Aberystwyth Rotary Club (UK): Oct. 2, 2018; Cambrian News. (award)
Aberystwyth has offered financial support to a number of young people from the Aberystwyth area wishing to travel abroad for humanitarian and experience-widening purposes such as representing their local area in worldwide events, eg Scouts, Guide jamborees.
Abingtons Rotary (PA); Oct. 1, 2018; Abington Journal. (award)
Members of Boy Scout Troop 160, which has been sponsored by the Rotary Club of the Abingtons for more than 75 years, were at the Club's 14th annual Taste of the Abingtons, lending a hand such as ensuring garbage was taken out and attendees had plenty of water to cleanse their pallets between samplings.
Aldridge Rotary Club (UK); Jan. 30, 2018; Royal Sutton News. (award)
On Saturday 27th January, the new headquarters of the 31st Sutton Coldfield West Scout Group opened with tremendous turnout as the Scouts celebrated their achievement with music, awards and inspirational talks. It was the hard work by the young people, leaders and parents along with support from The Rotary Club of Aldridge and others.
Alexandria Rotary Club in Virginia

Alexandria Rotary Club (VA); May 19, 2018; Del Ray Patch. (award)
The Rotary Club of Alexandria and The Alexandria Rotary Foundation hosted the annual Rotary Scout Award Luncheon on May 15 at at Belle Haven Country Club. Two Eagle Scouts, Owen Biesada and Ian Peverall, received scholarships for their leadership efforts in community service. Attended by over 120 people, the program honored the achievements of two local high school students and awarded them scholarships for their pending college experience. |
Bainbridge Rotary (GA); Aug. 7, 2018; The Post Searchlight. (Award)
Margueritte Jackson and Mark Milhollin spoke to the Bainbridge Rotary Club on Tuesday to share they are bringing cub scouts to Bainbridge, allowing for both girls and boys in kindergarten through fifth grade to get involved. Boys and girls will be in separate dens, and both will come together once a month or so for family gatherings, said Jackson. Bainbridge will celebrate 100 years of scouting in this community.
Baldwinsville Rotary (NY); Nov. 22, 2018; Eagle News Online. (award)
Baldwinsville Rotary Club and several local businesses donated $2,000 toward the Eagle Scout project of Spencer Randolph, a member of Boy Scout Troop 114, His project was to spruced up the Baldwinsville Visitor Center. It involved changing the interior design and furnishings.
Bemidji Sunrise Rotary (MN); Aug. 19, 2018; The Bemidji Pioneer. (Award)
Bemidji Sunrise Rotary recently made a $300 donation to the Boy Scouts of America for its Family Fun Day event, which will be held Oct. 3 at Camp Nushka, which is located on Cass Lake in the Chippewa National Forest.
Berkeley Heights Rotary Club (NJ); June 25, 2018; TAPinto.net. (award)
Hundreds were in attendance of the 15th annual Rubber Ducky Festival to see rubber ducks race down the Passaic River to a finish line, where they were collected by Boy Scouts waiting in canoes. The purchaser of the winning ducks won prizes, with proceeds benefiting the Boy Scouts and Rotary Club of Berkeley Heights. Proceeds benefit Rotary projects, including sponsoring three Cub Scout packs and two Boy Scout troops including Eagle Scout service projects.
Brewster Rotary (NY); Aug. 21, 2018; Hamlet Hub. (Award)
Brewster Rotary Board member Suzie Fregien presented a $500 check to Evan Payne to support his Eagle Scout project to build a Kiosk with an industrial bicycle air pump on the Putnam Trailway by Cameron's Deli in Brewster. The Kiosk will have signs showing a map of the trail, and information about local history.
Bryan Rotary Club (OH); March 26, 2018; The Bryan Times. (award)
Bryan Rotarians heard about the changing face of the Boy Scouts of America program from Black Swamp Area Council Scout Executive Marc Kogan. The organization is bringing in both younger scouts for its Lions program. Preparing for female youngsters for the first time, the Boy Scouts of America's Black Swamp Area Council has altered Camp Lakota.
Buckhannon Rotary (WV); Aug. 16, 2018; The Inter-Mountain. (Award)
Girl Scout troop leader Stephanie Johnson, a junior at West Virginia Wesleyan College, stopped by Buckhannon Rotary Club's weekly meeting to discuss her passion for Girl Scouts. Johnson currently serves as Buckhannon Academy Elementary School's scout leader with 14 youth under her wing.
Burton-Middlefield Rotary (OH); Jan. 25, 2018; Maple Leaf. (award)
Jim Dvorak, president of the Burton-Middlefield Rotary, presented maple syrup to Andrew Proctor, Boy Scout guest speaker. Burton-Middlefield Rotary Club is helping Andrew earn his Eagle Scout status. Dvorak will also be assisting Andrew with his masonry project for the veterans in Newbury.
Cadillac Rotary (MI); Nov. 12, 2018; Cadillac News. (award)
A ceremony was held by Rotary Club of Cadillac to dedicate the Cadillac Veterans Memorial Walkway. With the assistance of the Cadillac Honor Guard, Boy Scout Troop No. 125, and Rotary members, the flags were raised while the Cadillac High School Band played the national anthem. 11 American flags are illuminated by solar lights facing down on them year-round.
Cambridge Rotary Club (UK); Nov. 24, 2018; Cambridge Independent. (award)
Cambridge Rotary Club teamed up with the Cambridge Independent for a young photographers' competition. The competition is open to all schools and college communities, including young people who are home schooled, and community organisations, such as Scout or Guides groups.
Canandaigua Rotary (NY); Sep. 10, 2018; Daily Messenger. (Award)
30 volunteers restored the historic Wolverton Cemetery. Volunteers under the leadership of 16-year-old Josh Dutcher, a member of Canandaigua Boy Scout Troop 30 and Eagle Scout candidate, the site was cleared of overgrowth; a 400-foot split rail fence installed; burial sites probed, recorded and logged. Pitching in were Navy Seabees, the DAR, Troop 30 Boy Scouts, Canandaigua Rotary Club, and many more.
Canfield Rotary (OH); Aug. 24, 2018; The Vindicator. (Award)
Canfield High School junior Thomas McNally completed his Eagle Scout project building 10 benches at On Target, a non profit children's mentoring program. He received support from the Canfield Rotary Club. McNally has been preparing to spend 11 months going to high school in Germany through the Rotary Exchange Student Program. McNally is a member of Boy Scout Troop 25.
Carpinteria Rotary Clubs (CA); May 24, 2018; Coastal View News. (award)
Local Rotary clubs planted 94 trees in the flood-damaged Carpinteria Creek. The Rotary clubs of Greater Los Angeles, helped purchase the Sycamores, Toyons and Coast Live Oaks that were planted by the Rotary Clubs of Carpinteria, Carpinteria Morning and Carpinteria Sunset. Rotary Club members from Santa Barbara, El Segundo, San Bernardino and Seattle were also on hand to help with the planting. Volunteers from Boy Scout Troop 50 came out to help. The creek corridor was literally stripped clean of vegetation by the floods following the Thomas Fire.
Carrollton-Farmers Branch Rotary (TX); Nov. 20, 2018; Carrollton Leader. (award)
Carrollton-Farmers Branch Rotary is rolling out its Flags over C-FB program to raise money for its programs and help local Boy Scout troops. On or before each each holiday a 3-foot by 5-foot American flag will be placed on the participant's yard. The flag will be mounted on a 10-foot metal pole and placed inside a sleeve.
Central Ocean Rotary (NJ); Apr 10, 2018; CentralOceanRotary.org. (award)
Central Ocean Rotary is proud to support the Jersey Shore Council Boy Scouts of America. Rotarian and scouting Executive Jerome Townsend accepted a $1,000 donation from club president Mike DellaRocca. The Boy Scouts and Central Ocean Rotary have collaborated on many projects over the last year and we look forward to what we can accomplish together!
Chesterton-Porter Rotary (IN); Nov. 14, 2018; Chesterton Tribune. (award)
Chesterton-Porter Rotary helps fund a complete rehab of a baseball field. The work is Eagle Scout projects of Troop 908. David Archbald's Eagle Scout project is to place bricks around flower box, place bricks behind home plate, and adding a new park bench, a garbage can and a station for waste bags for people walking their dogs.
Clarksville Rotary Club (TN); Feb. 24, 2018; Clarksville Now. (award)
The Clarksville Rotary Club and around 70 volunteers from the community planted 100 trees at Rotary Park. The Rotary International President challenged every Rotarian to plant a tree this year and internationally there are more than one million members. The trees that were planted were Tulip Poplar, Persimmon, Red Oak, Loblolly Pine & Red Bud. Volunteers included Boy Scout Troops 365, 521,522 and Cub Scout Packs 509 & 522.
Clearfield Rotary Club (PA); January 30, 2018; Gant News. (award)
Dayton Kelly is preparing for his Eagle Scout project. He has partnered with the Clearfield Rotary Club to build a pavilion at the playground at the Clearfield Driving Park. The Rotary Club is helping through a Community Foundation Grant that's matching contribution and labor assistance.
Coldwater Township Sunrise Rotary Club (MI); April 23, 2018; Coldwater Daily Reporter. (award)
Over 50 volunteers gathered at Heritage Park to plant trees, Oak, Maple, Tulip, and Pine trees, around the skateboard park. Another group planted trees on the hillside at Jaycee Park along Riverside Drive. The volunteers came from Sunrise Rotary, Boy Scout Troop and Cub Scout Pack 433, and Children's Museum of Branch County. While some broke the ground with shovels and dug the holes, others carried heavy buckets of water to the newly planted trees. The event came as the Arbor Day Foundation recognized Coldwater as a 2017 Tree City USA award winner.
Columbiana Rotary (OH); Nov. 19, 2018; Salem News. (award)
At its Annual Youth Recognition Awards program, Columbiana Rotary Club presented awards to Tyler Witherstine, Outstanding Boy Scout of the Year, and Alyson Smith, Outstanding Girl Scout of the Year.
Corning Rotary Club (NY); May 11, 2018; Corning Leader. (award)
The Corning Rotarians joined local Boy Scout Troop 2 to plant six apple trees in the Kate Danforth Memorial Community Garden. The project was Corning Rotary's response to Rotary International President H.S. Riseley's challenge for every Rotary Club to plant trees this Rotary year, which began July 1, 2017. Varieties include cortland, empire, honeycrisp and northern spy. Earlier this year, Boy Scout Troop 2 committee member James Johnson approached Corning Rotary about a joint service project.
Coronado Rotary Club (CA); April 15, 2018; Coronado Times Newspaper. (award)
Coronado High School sophomore Cole Mullins will represent Coronado Rotary in the District 5340 Finals of the Rotary Four-Way Test Speech Contest. Cole's outstanding speech is about the positive impact being a Boy Scout has made in his life. Cole became a Rotary district finalist after moving to the next level in a series of club, sub-regional and regional competitions. Cole has demonstrated strong oratory skills, poise and passion in a competition that has attracted over 150 high school students from across San Diego, Imperial, and Riverside counties.
Dartmouth Rotary Club in the UK

Dartmouth Rotary Club (UK); April 27, 2018; South Hams Gazette. (award)
After 30 years of service, retiring Cub Scout leader, Barry Probyn, was awarded the Rotary Club of Dartmouth's 2018 Community Award. Each year the Rotary Club presents the award to a member of the Dartmouth community who has been an outstanding contributor to the life of the community either through an organisation they manage, or run, or through their own personal efforts standing out from the crowd and devoting their energy to enrich the lives of others. |
Del Mar Rotary Club (CA); March 13, 2018; Del Mar Times. (award)
Boy Scouts from Troop 713 gathered to honor five Scouts who have recently achieved the honor of becoming an Eagle Scout. Their Eagle projects at Canyon Crest Academy, Carmel Mountain Preserve, Sorrento Valley's Overlook Park, Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve Park, and CCA's track, received funding from the Troop's sponsor organization, the Del Mar Rotary Club.
Denton Evening Rotary (TX); Oct. 4, 2018; Denton Record-Chronicle. (award)
Glen Farris, Frontier Trail District chairman, Longhorn Council BSA, spoke to the Denton Evening Rotary Club. "Now, boys and girls will be able to participate, expanding the Scouting experience for the whole family. Now, boys and girls will be able to participate, expanding the Scouting experience for the whole family."
Denver Rotary Clubs (CO); April 24, 2018; 9News.com KUSA. (award)
Boy Scouts traveled to Inner Mongolia for an Eagle Project to reduce erosion in the region and to help create what's called the 'Great Green Wall of China.'" Dempsey, 14, spent months pitching his project to various Kiwanis, Rotary and Optimist clubs across the Denver area. Dempsey raised about $23,000 ahead of the trip and made sure family, friends and fellow Boy Scouts could volunteer with him. Dempsey and the American volunteers joined Chinese students in Hohhot to plant more than 100 trees: Mongolian pines, apricot trees, juniper trees and then peach trees.
Dover Capital City Rotary Club (DE); April 24, 2018; Dover Post. (award)
Daniel Davis, senior executive director of the Del-Mar-Va Council, Boy Scouts of America; and Shannon Sampere of the Two Bays District of the Boy Scouts of America, addressed the Dover Capital City Rotary Club at its weekly luncheon on April 14 at Maple Dale Country Club, Dover. Two Bays spans over 1,000 square miles in Kent Counties in Delaware and Maryland and part of Upper Queen Anne's County in Maryland. The Del-Mar-Va Council serves more than 12,800 youth in 14 counties covering Delaware, Maryland's Eastern Shore and Virginia.
Eccleshall Mercia Rotary Club in the UK

Eccleshall Mercia Rotary (UK); March 6, 2018; The Stone & Eccleshall Gazette. (award)
Eccleshall Rotary helped Scouts Harrison Milward and Jamie Coupland take up the opportunity to represent the district at the Scouts International Jamboree in Sweden and have recently also contributed – together with other local organizations – towards the cost of building an extension on the Eccleshall Scouts HQ. |
Ely Rotary Clubs (UK); Nov. 12, 2018; Ely Standard. (award)
The Rotary Clubs of Ely: Ely Rotary, Ely Hereward Rotary, and Soham Staploe Rotary, and nine scout groups joined to make sure that spectacular fireworks display on Guy Fawkes Day went with a bang. Hot food was served by the Ely District Scouts. Local Rotarians, scouts and the St John's Ambulance ensured that the crowds were kept safe.
Falmouth Rotary Club (MA); April 17, 2018; Cape Cod Today. (award)
Rotary International President, Ian H. S. Riseley has challenged every Rotary club across the globe to make a difference by planting a tree for each of its members. The Rotary Club of Falmouth will be planting the first phase of their contributions to the challenge. Members, along with volunteers from Cub Scout Pack 41 of East Falmouth will plant a selection of 10 mostly native trees including American Holly, Sassafras, Harlequin Glory Bower, Magnolia, Rum Cherry, and Redbud varieties. The ceremony will take place in the Eastern Butterfly Garden area of Spohr Gardens.
Frome Rotary (UK); Dec. 6, 2018; Frome Times. (award)
Frome Rotary raised funds to help Scouts represent Somerset at the World Scout Jamboree next July in West Virginia, America. The six Scouts and Explorers selected from Unit 77 have been attending training camps to prepare them for their three weeks in America. Some of the funds raised support less privileged Scouts from other countries.
Gonzales Rotary Club in California

Gonzales Rotary Club (CA); April 12, 2018; Gonzales Tribune. (award)
Life Scout Manny Vargas created two bullpens for Little League at Brusa Field as part of his project to become an Eagle Scout. Vargas, a scout from Troop 370 of Gonzales, approached the Gonzales Rotary Club to help him with his project. Gonzales Rotary applied and was approved for a grant from Rotary District 5230. In addition to the Rotary District grant, the Gonzales Rotary Club contributed some additional funds from its club account. The project took six months to complete from the planning stage to the finished product. |
Greenfield Rotary (IN); Nov. 4, 2018; The Greenfield Reporter. (award)
Greenfield Rotary's annual Steak'n Bake'n Raffle netted some $100,000 for local nonprofit organizations. One of the beneficiaries was Nameless Creek Youth Camp, a 12.7-acre facility in southeastern Hancock County that hosts youth camps, family reunions and Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops.
Great Falls Rotary Club (MT); April 14, 2018; Great Falls Tribune. (award)
Eighty people recently attended the Eagle Scout Recognition Luncheon, hosted by the Great Falls Rotary Club, on April 3, 2018. This year was the 23rd year of the Rotary Club recognizing Eagle and Gold Scouts of central Montana. Thirty Eagle Scouts were recognized, contributing a total of 5,046 hours of service during 2017. There were no Girl Scouts' Gold Awards given in 2017 in central Montana. The guest speaker at the luncheon was Judge Robert Holter, U.S. Magistrate, retired.
Grays Thurrock Rotary (UK); July 5, 2018; Your Thurrock. (Award)
Elaine Stevens from the Rotary club of Grays Thurrock presented a cheque for £400 to five young people from Thurrock Scouts who are part of a group of eight selected to represent Essex Scouts and the UK at the 24th World Scout Jamboree in July 2019 in the USA.
Hartford City Rotary (IN); March 21, 2018; The New Times. (award)
The Hartford City Rotary Raffle and Barbecue has been a tradition for the local Rotary Club since 1957. Monies raised at the event are used to provide upkeep on the Girl Scout house among many other things.
Heywood Rotary (UK); Dec. 4, 2018; Rochdale Online. (award)
Heywood Rotary President, Mike Goldrick, presented cheques to 1st St Johns Scout Group and 8th Heywood St Luke's Scout Group for their help in the Morrison's Can Collection.
Hillsborough Rotary (NJ); Dec. 2, 2018; Tap Into Franklin Township. (award)
Hillsborough Rotary and Operation Shoebox New Jersey assembled 1,000 personal care packages to be shipped to US troops deployed overseas. Several veteran organizations participated, and several Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops also participated.
Ilkley Rotary (UK); Sep. 28, 2018; Telegraph & Argus. (Award)
The Rotary Club of Ilkley visited Hag Dyke Scout Activity Centre. Formerly a farmhouse for at least 250 years it has been the mountain home of the 1st Ben Rhydding Scout Group for 70 years. The Centre is asking for support to finance a water treatment and storage project.
Kansas City (MO); Dec. 29, 2019; Lee's Summit Tribune. (award)
Eagle Scout project of Jack Williams of Troop 42 was the installation of 100 linear feet of free floating walkway at the Greater Kansas City Rotary Club Youth Camp nature walk. The allows mobility challenged youth and adult campers to experience nature in a safe environment.
Kansas City Downtown (MO); Feb. 13. 2018; Rotary.org. (award)
In the 1920s, the Downtown Kansas City Club built a camp for needy boys. The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts began using it for Scouts with disabilities. Today, Scouts of all kinds use the camp on weekends when school is in session while special needs organizations and Scouts with disabilities have exclusive run of the wheelchair-accessible facilities for free all summer.
King's Lynn Rotary Club (UK); May 5, 2018; Lynn News. (award)
The Rotary Club of King's Lynn presented a cheque for £3,100 to allow King's Lynn Sea Scouts to buy an additional rowing boat. While they already has a boat, the number of cadets able to use it at any one time was limited.
The new boat will accommodate eight cadets, which will double the present number of youngsters who can get on the water.
Laurinburg Rotary (NC); Aug. 14, 2018; Laurinburg Exchange. (Award)
David Harling, a 60-year veteran of Boy Scouts of America, visited the Laurinburg Rotary Club on Tuesday and explained the BSA's decisions to allow girls in Cub Scout and Boy Scouts. The decision was made so girls should have the same opportunities as boys. Girls have been a part of the BSA for more than 50 years in Sea Scouts, Explorers and Venture Scouts.
Letchworth Rotary Club in The UK

Letchworth Rotary Clubs (UK); May 22, 2018; Comet 24. (award)
Joyce Doel, age 92, stars at Letchworth Rotary sponsored 5K walk for charity and raised £700 at Letchworth Rotary's annual Greenway sponsored walk. 5th Letchworth Scouts took part in the charity walk on Sunday. Walk organiser Bob Mills from the Rotary club described Joyce as a "star", praising the many other walkers and runners who took part – which included teams from the Heritage Foundation, various Scout groups from Letchworth, Arlesey and Stevenage, Norton St Nicholas Primary School and more. |
Lincoln City Rotary (OR); Oct. 30, 2018; The News Guard. (award)
Members of the Rotary Club of Lincoln City and others volunteered for the service project at Friends of Wildwood trail, laying bark chips along much of the trail at the north entrance. Local Boy Scout Justin joined in to earn his Citizenship in the Community merit badge.
Londonderry Rotary (UK); Nov. 29, 2018; Union Leader. (award)
Londonderry Rotary is hosting a tree lighting event on the town commons. Residents can visit the Londonderry Town Commons to decorate a Christmas tree, drink hot cider or cocoa and eat some chili and cookies. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will sing Christmas carols.
Los Alamos Rotary (NM); Sep. 30, 2018; Daily Post. (award)
In honor of October's 100th anniversary of Los Alamos Boy Scout Troop 22, Relf Price told Rotarians about the beginnings of Boy Scouting here with Ranch School Director A.J. Connell and scouting's partnership with The Ranch School. The presentation included black-and-white archival photos of Scouts on horseback and around campfires.
Lyme Regis Rotary (UK): Dec. 19, 2019; Bridport News. (award)
Lyme Regis Rotary Club raised £10,000 with a spectacular event illuminating the Cobb Harbour at Lyme Regis with 5000 tea-light candles. Beneficiaries included Charmouth Brownies & Rainbows, Lym Valley Scout Group, and 1st Charmouth Scout Group.
Madison Rotary Club, March 13, 2018; Tap Into Madison. (award)
End Hunger 3, hosted by the Rotary Club of Madison, had the goal this year, the event's third, to package 200,000 meals for hungry New Jerseyans throughout Rotary district 7470, which encompasses Morris, Essex, Sussex, Warren and Hunterdon counties, as well as parts of Somerset County. An estimated 600 people showed up including members of more than two dozen Rotary clubs throughout the region.
Marion Noontime Rotary(IL);Mar. 9, 2018,Marion Republican. (award)
Recently, the Marion Noontime Rotary Club promised $10,000, and now, Heartland Regional Medical Center has signed on as the "named" partner, pledging a $100,000 donation for what will be called the "Heartland Regional Medical Center Inclusive Playground." This playground at Ray Fosse Park offers more opportunities for children (and adults) of diverse abilities.
Maryville Rotary Club (TN); May 19, 2018; Maryville Daily Times. (award)
The Maryville Rotary Club is currently involved in assisting a local Eagle Scout with refurbishing the Blount County Sherriff's K9 agility course.
Malvern Rotary Club (PA); Feb. 18, 2018. The Review. (award)
The Rotary Club of Malvern invited representatives from 15 organizations to present a total of $3,300 in donations. The monies were raised at their Field of Honor flag display held at the Malvern United Methodist Church. Recipients of donations included Boy Scout Troop 155, Cub Scout Pack 155, Friends of Scouting, and Girl Scout Little Turtle Neighborhood.
Maryville Rotary Club (TN); Feb. 19, 2018; The Daily Times. (award)
Rotary will work with Eagle Scout Emory Benson, a high school student, whose project is to refurbish the Blount County Sheriff's Office's K9 agility course. Rotary Club of Maryville is donating $1,000 toward the project and members will also put in some "sweat equity" on the actual renovation.
Mt. Jewett Rotary (PA); Feb. 13, 2018; The Bradford Era. (award)
The Mt. Jewett Rotary held it's 7th annual Chocolate Indulgence event Friday night at the Mt Jewett Veterans Memorial Club drawing in an estimated 150 people and raising over $5,000 to support the Mt Jewett Memorial Library, St. Matthews Preschool and the Mt Jewett Boy Scouts.
Noon Rotary (NE); Dec. 5, 2018; The Grand Island Independent. (award)
Noon Rotary donated money for the Eagle Scout Projects of the McLaughlin brothers of Troop 158 in Kearney. The brothers earned their Eagle rank simultaneously by building a handicap accessible fishing dock and sidewalks at Fort Kearny State Recreation Area south of Kearney.
Oakwood Rotary (OH); Nov. 10, 2018; WDTN 2 News. (award)
Oakwood's Girl Scout Troop 30149 unveiled a new veterans monument at Orchardly Park. The monument contains eight bas relief sculptures of veterans who are past or present residents of Oakwood. The Oakwood Rotary Foundation helped fund the project.
Pauls Valley Rotary (OK); Oct. 27, 2018; Pauls Valley Daily Democrat. (award)
Ben Dobbins is going for an Eagle Scout, the highest honor in scouting, with a project that's bringing concrete pathways to the local Wacker Park Rose Garden. He got the idea for the community project from his father, Michael Dobbins, who as a member of the Pauls Valley Rotary Club that had this project on their want-to-do list for some time.
Perham Rotary (MN); Sep. 8, 2018; Perham Focus. (Award)
Pack 321, chartered by the Perham Rotary Club, will be accepting boys and girls into their program this fall during their Fall Sign Up meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Perham Center for the Arts (former St. Stan's Church) 101 5th St NE, Perham.
Princes Town Rotary (Trinidad & Tobago); Jan. 16, 2018; Guardian. (award)
Princes Town Rotary Club offered 12 scholarships to students who cannot meet their financial needs at university. The students were selected based on the advice of the various school principals.
Rancho de Chino Rotary Club (CA); June 9, 2018; championnewspapers.com. (award)
Chino Hills State of the City event was sponsored by the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce. The new unsung hero award was presented to Jesse Zarandin by Councilman Brian Johsz for his leadership and volunteerism in Cub Scout Pack 393 and maintaining a close relationship with its chartering organization the Rancho del Chino Rotary.
Red Bluff Rotary Club (CA); Feb. 10, 2018; Daily News. (award)
The Red Bluff Rotary club held its annual Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast on Superbowl Sunday at the Elks Lodge. Rotary sponsors Red Bluff's Boy Scout troop and Cub Scout pack 154. The fundraiser was held to raise money for scouts to go to camp.
Ripley Rotary (WV); Nov. 20, 2018; Jackson Newspapers. (award)
Ripley Rotary invited Jeffrey Purdy, with the Buckskin Council, BSA, to speak at a meeting. He described how Boy Scouts decided to form Family scouting, which allows girls to join. Since the option for girls to join came about, 61,483 girls have signed up nationwide. There have been 321 girls sign up in the Buckskin Council alone.
Roswell Rotary Club, May 22, 2018; MDJOnline.com. (award)
Roswell Remembers, a joint effort by the city and Roswell Rotary Club, aims to commemorate and educate in its revamped Memorial Day Ceremony on May 28 at 11 a.m. This year's planning committee decided to change the program in response to the desire of including more youth. The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Eagle Scout Patrick Czabala of the Boy Scouts Northern Ridge District, a troop of both Roswell and Milton residents.
Salida Sunrise Rotary (CO); March 6, 2018; Mountain Mail. (award)
Salida Sunrise Rotary Club presented a $650 check to Salida Boy Scout Troop 60 Scoutmaster Brian Petit to support the Scouts' membership scholarship program.
Salida Rotary Club & Salida Sunrise Rotary Club (CO); May 11, 2018; Mountain Mail Newspaper. (award)
After more than a year of renovations, the Scout Hut, now to be called the Salida Rotary Scout Hut, in Riverside Park will reopen. The goal of the project was to turn the building into a more functional, usable space with updated bathrooms, an updated commercial kitchen and other amenities.
The project cost around $600,000, and both the Salida Sunrise Rotary Club and the Rotary Club of Salida helped with fundraising efforts for nearly two years.
Scituate Rotary (MA); Dec. 14, 2018; The Patriot Ledger. (award)
The Scituate Rotary helps fund the Scituate Community Christmas. They provide materials for Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops and other youth groups to make cards for veterans. After the cards were finished, envelopes were addressed by teen groups and people from other local charities.
Shipston Rotary (UK); Jan. 7, 2018; Stratford-upon-Avon Herald. (award)
Pillerton Scout Group has won an award for its healthy membership — just 18 months after being formed. It has over 60 boys and girls in its Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, with more on the waiting list. They are cosponsored by the Shipston Rotary Club.
Skipton Rotary (UK); Nov. 29, 2018; Craven Herald. (award)
Skipton Rotary provided funds for the 5th Skipton Parish Church's Scout group to installed accessibility ramp access to its headquarters. The building is used for scout group meetings, and it is hoped it can in the future be used for meetings, training sessions, small concerts, children's parties as as a rehearsal space.
Slough Rotary(UK); Nov. 20, 2018; Slough Express. (award)
Slough Rotary joined the Slough Council for Voluntary Services in honoring 13-year old Girl Guide Louise Ellis who has helped disabled and disadvantaged children at The Beehive Foundation, helped Roma children at the Chalvey Youth Cafe, volunteered as a young careers rep for Slough Youth Parliament and fundraising for her girl guide unit.
South Central Texas, District 5840 (TX); Dec. 15, 2018; Facebook. (award)(award)
Peter Siegel, San Antonio Airport Rotary, had the pleasure to honor two new Alamo Boy Scouts of America, Alamo Area Council, Troop 90 Eagle Scouts Ryan and Zachary with IFSR Eagle Scout Recognition certificates at their Eagle Scout Court of Honor today. Peter is the IFSR Coordinator for Rotary District 5840 - South Central Texas.
Southern Sussex Rotary (DE); Nov. 8, 2018; Coastal Point. (award)
Southern Sussex Rotary presented a check to Boy Scout Troop 281, to support the local troop. Brendan Crotty, Rotarian and Eagle Scout, presented the check at the weekly Troop meeting to Tommy Kangas, Life Scout and Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 281. Rotary has supported Scouts for years and is proud of all the local Scout achievements.
Springfield Rotary (NJ); Dec. 31, 2018; TapIntoSpringfield. (award)
Girl Scout Caitlynn McTernan of Troup 40-739 will provide the Springfield Public Library with iPads loaded with apps so children with learning disabilities can try out different types of Assistive Technology that may help them to succeed academically. This was made possible with funds from bake sales and donations from local community organizations such as the Springfield Rotary.
St. Helena Rotary (CA); Nov 18, 2018; St. Helena Star. (award)
John Baker's Eagle Scout project was building three benches and a shade structure on Sam the Eagle trail in Moore Creek Park. After Baker got the designs approved, he sourced all the materials, most of which were donated. He sought and received funds from the Rotary Club of St. Helena to pay for concrete and steel for the shade structure.
Stryker Rotary (OH); Dec. 3, 2018; The Bryan Times. (award)
Stryker Rotary Club invited Scouts from the Stryker Cub Scouts to their regular meeting. Milo Berkebile, cub master of the Stryker Cub Scouts spoke to the Stryker Rotary club.
Rotary District 7475 in Summit, New Jersey

Summit (NJ) Rotary District 7475, April 26, 2018; TapInToSummitNet. (award)
Seven 'Eagles' from Summit's Troop 67 achieved the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America, that of Eagle Scout. The event included a visit by Congressman Leonard Lance, who personally delivered a Congressional Citation to honor each of these Eagle Scouts. Additionally, past District Governor of Rotary District 7510, Hal Daumé, also honored these new Eagle Scouts, personally presenting the International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians Youth Service Award to each of these young men to recognize their outstanding achievement. |
The Tarrytowns Rotary Club (NY); April 4, 2018; The Hudson Independent. (award)
The 2018 Rotary of Tarrytowns' Duck Derby paid tribute to two groups. "Women in Rotary 30 years,"' and the Tarrytown Sleepy Hollow Girl Scouts who have been helping at all of the Derbies. The Girl Scouts first started helping in 2011. The Girl Scouts do a terrific job and help make the day a success. It is quite a prized job for the girls to work at the Duck Derby, The local Girl Scout troops have about 150 girls in Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow. The Scouts get a special badge to acknowledge their work at the Derby, sort of a rite of passage for the senior group who works at the Derby.
Uyo Rotary (Nigeria); Oct. 2, 2018; Daily Trust. (award)
Nigerian Girl Guides and the Rotary Club of Uyo donated of books and learning materials to adult education centres created across Akwa Ibom State. There are over 888 such centers aimed at eradicating mediocrity and illiteracy by the 2030.
Visalia Breakfast Rotary(CA); Feb. 1, 2018,Visalia Times Delta. (award)
Visalia Breakfast Rotary Club will serve as mentors for the Cub Scouts, help coordinate programs and promote recruiting. "I am very proud to announce this partnership," said Scott James, Rotary president. "Today's youth need these types of partnerships with local community members to help mold our children into future leaders and support families."
Walnut Rotary Club (IL); April 7, 2018; Bureau County Republican. (award)
Walnut Rotary Club's first cookout of 2018 will help local Girl Scouts achieve their Silver Award. Members of Walnut's Girl Scout Troop 1627 will be raising money to support their efforts to earn a Silver Award. This year, Troop 1627 is raising money and collecting donations to provide Blessing and Bedding Bags for the PADS shelters in Peru and Ottawa. Bedtime Bags, intended for the shelters' younger clients, will hold a blanket, stuffed animal and a book for the child. The girls have set a fundraising goal of $2,500 and are hoping to make 225 bags.
Warren Rotary Club (OH); April 16, 2018; Warren Tribune Chronicle. (award)
Members of the Warren Rotary Club this weekend spent time planting 100 trees in five different parks to celebrate the club's 100th anniversary. They had club members and other groups planting 20 trees in each park. Ken Lapolla of Boy Scout Troop 101 of Warren brought more than 15 of his Boy Scouts to assist the Rotary teams with the tree planting. He said the Scouts also cleaned up the parks. To mark 100 years, the Rotary Club is planning 100 good deeds and giving $100 each to local nonprofit organizations. Each member donates $100 to a charity in their name.
Washburn Rotary (ME)); July 5, 2018; The County. (Award)
With the help of the Washburn Rotary, three Boy Scout Eagle Scout candidates from Troop 177 in Washburn will be working this summer to establish the new Washburn Area Veterans Park at the front of the town's Story Hill Park.
Waunakee Rotary Club (WI); July 17, 2018; Waunakee Tribune. (Award)
When Scott Frost was looking for an Eagle Scout project he learned the Waunakee Rotary Club wanted a kiosk with life jackets installed at the Village Center Pond. There is a lifejacket there now that people can use. Frost will be a senior at Waunakee High School next year.
West Orange Rotary (NJ); Feb. 12, 2018; Tap Into. (award)
The West Orange Rotary Club, the Rotaract Club, and many other groups provided almost 1,700 hours of service to collect 187 bags of new toys, 334 bags of winter coats and clothing, and 22,543 pounds of non-perishable food -- almost four tractor-trailer loads.
Westfield Rotary (NJ); Oct. 30, 2018; TapIntoWestfield. (award)
Rotary Club of Westfield had raised $3,500 to fund the purchase and planting 25 trees on Dudley Court in Westfield. The township has lost many trees due to the storms. Several community groups were mobilized to help with the project, in addition to the Rotary Club: the Westfield High School Interact Club, and Boy Scout Troop 77.
Westford Rotary (MA); Sep. 11, 2018; The Lowell Sun. (Award)
Westford Rotary provides support to Boy Scouts working on Eagle Scout projects, annually provides scholarships to local students and dictionaries to all Westford third-graders, and donates to a wide range of community support efforts.
Wilsonville Rotary (OR); Jan. 17, 2018; Wilsonville Spokesman. (award)
After Boy Scouts of America announced it would allow programs for girls to join Cub Scout packs – which includes kindergarteners through fifth graders, the Wilsonville Rotary Club, the Wilsonville packs' charter organization, gave clearance for Wilsonville-based Cub Scout Pack 199 to add girls.
Xenia Rotary (OH); Dec. 4, 2018; Xenia Daily Gazette. (award)
Xenia Rotary and other civic groups contributed $2,050 for Xenia Eagle Scout candidate Jake Fox to bring new life to the Xenia High School Marching Band's 17-year old trailer.
Yadkin Valley Rotary (NC); Feb. 12, 2018; Elkin Tribune. (award)
Boy Scouts collected food over the weekend for local pantries, with Tri-County Christian Crisis Ministries handling tons of items with the help of Yadkin Valley Rotary Club. 128 youths were present with assistance from 116 adults including the Yadkin Valley Rotary Club who were on hand at Tri-C to help Scouts check dates and stock shelves for distribution to those community members who are in need.
Yorba Linda Sunrise Rotary (CA); Sep. 19, 2018; Brewton Standard. (Award)
Chase Pittman earned Eagle Scout rank. Chase is a member of Boy Scout Troop 99, sponsored by the Yorba Linda Sunrise Rotary Club under the leadership of Scoutmaster Shane Adams. For his Eagle Scout Service Project At Help for Brain Injured Children, Inc., Pittman designed, and provided leadership to build six garden cages that kept the critters out and allow for ample sunshine, and easy access for the students.
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Alamo Rotary Club (CA); July 20, 2017 (award)
The Rotary Club of Alamo announced the incoming president, Joan Grimes will be leading major Club projects including sponsoring their Cub Scout Pack and Boy Scout Troop.
Arlington Rotary Club (WA); Oct. 23, 2017 (award)
Throughout the year members of the Rotary Club of Arlington helped with service projects at the Boy Scout's Camp Fire Mountain. Recently, the Rotary Club of Arlington worked to frame two new staff cabins that will be a part of a staff village.
Bainbridge Rotary Club (GA) June 20, 2017 (award)
Boy Scout Troop 502 presented an end of the year update to the Bainbridge Rotary Club. Tommy Young thanked the Rotary Club for their commitment in watching him grow from a Scout to an Eagle Scout, as he was awarded his badge last Wednesday. He reported that his Eagle Scout project collected more than 10,000 pounds of electronic waste. Recently the Scouts attended camp in Andersonville to watch a rendering of the Confederate soldiers.
Beaver Rotary Club (PA); Sept., 29, 2017 (award)
Grace Oram, a 2017 Beaver Area High School graduate, was named a Student of the Month by the Beaver Rotary Club. Oram received the Girl Scout Gold Award and has volunteered at Girl Scout day camp, attended a mission trip and belonged to a Venture Crew. Oram plans to major in biology or environmental science in college.
Berkeley Heights (NJ) Rotary District 7510, Sept. 29, 2017 (award)
District Governor Hal Daume presented the IFSR Rotary Club Recognition Certificate to Eagle Scout Benjamin Hasendopf of Troop 1. District 7510 has presented over 400 IFSR Certificates of Achievement to Eagle Scouts and Girl Scout Gold Award recipients. Hal has presented many of these awards himself.
Berkeley Heights Rotary Club (NJ) April 10, 2017 (award)
Berkeley Heights Rotary Club's Troop 368 was recognized for having the highest total number of service hours for 2016 in the Watchung Mountain District. The troop logged a total of 1,908 hours, with an average of 26 hours per Scout. The Scouts in Troop 368 took part in projects ranging from working the Rotary Club's pancake breakfast, to setting up at the annual Relay for Life, to participating in Town Cleanup, to helping complete any of the troop's many Eagle Scout projects.
Buckhead Rotary Club in Georgia

Buckhead Rotary Club (GA) March 27, 2017 (award)
The Rotary Club of Buckhead honored DeKalb Scoutmaster Josiah Benator for mentoring hundreds of Scouts during his 68 years as Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 73, based at the Or VeShalom Synagogue in Brookhaven. That legacy of mentorship is why the Rotary Club of Buckhead gave Benator, 95, the Rev. Robert Ross Johnson Humanitarian Award for 2017. |
Calhoun Rotary Club (GA) February 15, 2017 (award)
The Calhoun Rotary Club supports Boy Scout Troop 39 and Cub Scout Pack 39. At their annual Blue and Gold Awards Banquet at the Scout Hut, Cub Master Adam Hill expressed his appreciation to Calhoun Rotary for keeping their Charter funded. The members of Calhoun Rotary support Scouting programs designed to teach service, citizenship and good values to young people.
Cassville Rotary Club (MO) May 31, 2017 (award)
A trailer belonging to Boy Scout Troop No. 76 in Cassville was recovered after it was stolen from beside the Scout house. The trailer was found with only a propane grill and a green sleeping bag recovered. The find came two days after the Scouts asked for assistance in replacing the load of camping gear, and donations have been pouring in. Employees of First State Bank and Cassville Rotary Club, who donated $325 in equipment to the Scouts, supplying the majority of their list of needs.
Central Ocean Rotary Club (NJ) April 8, 2017 (award)
Members of the Central Ocean Rotary joined the Boy Scouts of the Jersey Shore Council in preparing the Joseph A. Citta Scout Reservation ready for the summer camp season on April 8, 2017. In a collaborative effort of determination, the aquatics beachfront was cleared of debris and 27 tons on new sand was put in place for Scouts to enjoy this summer.
Charlotte-Shelburne Rotary Club (VT) January 18, 2017 (award)
The Charlotte-Shelburne Rotary Club welcomed local representatives of Scouting, heard reports of the year's accomplishments, and renewed their support with financial contributions and promises of future cooperation. Eagle Scout Andrew Gay reported that 15 Scouts have earned their Eagle Scout award. Their projects included a new bike rack at Charlotte Town Hall.
Cohasset Rotary Club (MA); Nov. 4, 2017 (award)
Cohasset Rotary Club held its Annual Harvest Wine Dinner, an evening of great food and great wines for a great cause. Recipients of Rotary grants also include: Boy Scouts and individual Eagle Scout projects, and countless other worthwhile causes.
Colchester-Milton Rotary (VT); Aug. 30, 2017 (award)
Colchester-Milton Rotary funded Spencer Lane's Eagle Scout Project. Spencer's project was to construct four wooden footbridges over muddy, flooded patches that previously obstructed the path. He also built a bench on a low bluff overlooking the Lamoille River in Milton.
Dearborn Heights Rotary Club (MI) June 6, 2017 (award)
Rotary Club of Dearborn Heights held a dedication ceremony earlier this month for its three newest Little Free Libraries at Bedford, Pardee and Polk elementary schools. Making the community lending libraries possible has been a team effort among the Rotary, which raises money from its members and fundraising activities; Boy Scout Troop No. 1478, whose members helped an Eagle Scout build them as part of his Eagle Scout project; and senior citizens from the Berwyn Senior Center, who decorated the boxes with individual, colorful themes.
Falmouth Rotary Club (MA); Aug. 26, 2017 (award)
Nick Kania is one of two students honored by The Falmouth Rotary Club with its Youth Merit Award. Nick recently completed his Eagle Scout project, building a fenced garden for the Plymouth Area Coalition.
Fremont Rotary Club (NE); August 25, 2017 (award)
Boy Scout Troop 104 served pancakes during the annual Rotary Club Fly-In Breakfast at Fremont Municipal Airport. Along with fundraising for the Rotary, the event is also a fundraiser for Boy Scout Troop 104 who prepared and served breakfast including pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee.
Goshen Rotary Club (NY); Oct. 11, 2017 (award)
Boy Scout Matthew Marvin of Troop 62, Chartered to the Goshen Rotary Club, recently installed book exchange stations at three different locations. Using the book exchange is simple: just open the door, select an interesting book, take it home, and read it. Matthew hopes those who take books will bring them back and take others.
Great Falls Rotary Club (MT) Mar. 8, 2017 & Mar. 11, 2017 (award)
The Great Falls Rotary Club recognized 28 North Central Montana Eagle Boy Scouts and Gold Award Girl Scouts. The scout recognition luncheon has been a yearly tradition since 1995. The guest speaker was fellow Rotarian and 1972 Eagle Scout Jim Kiser from the Great Falls Rescue Mission. This year's class features 28 Eagle Scouts and two Gold Award Girl Scouts.
Inverness Rotary Club (FL) April 20, 2017 (award)
The Rotary Club of Inverness worked with Boy Scout Troop 457 to upgrade the Scout camping area at Whispering Pines Park. The Rotary Club was instrumental in creating the park more than 30 years ago, and has supported it with improvements and beautification projects since then. The project used locally raised funds along with Rotary District grant monies to undertake a major facility upgrade of the park's campground, heavily used by Boy Scouts and other youth groups.
Keyser Rotary Club (WV) June 26, 2017 (award)
Zachary James Lay is a member of Boy Scout Troop 27, sponsored by the Keyser Rotary Club. For his Eagle Scout project, Zach chose to improve the Queen's Point Meadow Cemetery, just outside of Keyser. He renewed and painted the fountain there, painted the pole for the U.S. flag, re-lettered the entrance sign and installed solar lights. The project involved 96 man-hours of work by Zach and his helpers. Zach plans to study music at Potomac State College this fall.
Kilgore Rotary Club (TX); Aug. 15, 2017 (award)
Leaders from Troop 252 demonstrated hiking techniques to the Kilgore Rotary Club. The Scouts sponsored by the Rotarians recently hiked 100-plus miles during an 11-day trek, hefting packs of 20 pounds or more.
King Rotary Club in North Carolina

King Rotary Club (NC) June 27, 2017 (award)
King Rotary Club members Steve Carroll and Zollie Smith were recently awarded the Cliff Dochterman Rotary and Scouting Service Award during a ceremony at Raven Knob Scout Reservation in Mount Airy. Smith started the annual "Feed Stokes 5k" in 2010 as a joint project of the King Rotary Club and local Boy Scout troops. A King Rotary member since 2006, Carroll served as Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 450. |
Laughlin Rotary Club (NV); Aug. 17, 2017 (award)
Robert Evans, Senior District Executive for the Boy Scouts of America, explained how local scout troops and the Rotary Club of Laughlin can work together. Rotary and Scouts have similar ideals, so working together seems like a good fit.
Lewistown Rotary Club (PA); Dec. 20, 2017 (award)
Lewistown Rotary Club presented an Automatic External Defibrillator to the BSA's Juniata Valley Council. This AED will help people in Mifflin, Juniata, Centre and Huntingdon counties as well at the Seven Mountains Boy Scout Camp. Fame EMS will provide training on how to use and take care of the device.
Marked Tree Rotary Club in Arkansas

Marked Tree Rotary Club (AR) January 27, 2017 (award)
Marked Tree Girl Scout Troop 3304 joined with the Marked Tree Rotary Club to sponsor a program to donate items to the Marked Tree Police Department's Community Policing Program. The policing program, called Cops for the Community, involves police giving out juice and snacks to kids while out on patrol to help build good community relations. |
Marysville Rotary Club (WA) March 29, 2017 (award)
Marysville Rotary Club and a local construction company are planning to build four cabins for a local Boy Scout camp. The Fire Mountain camp near Mount Vernon, which serves many Puget Sound Boy Scout troops, has seen expansion and growth, said Rick McCarthy, a general contractor and member of the Marysville Rotary. The new cabins are for staff who have making due with old lodging.
Milledgeville Rotary Club (GA); August 12, 2017 (award)
The Mary Vinson Memorial Library received $4,125.55 from the Rotary Club of Milledgeville to install four benches, a plaque, and decorative flowers, to celebrate the Rotary 4-way test. With the assistance of members of Scout Troop 87, Scout Garrett Kauzlarich learned much about Rotary with this, his Eagle Scout Project.
Mohawk Valley Rotary Club (NY) January 30, 2017 (award)
At a Mohawk Valley Rotary Club meeting, the District Executive for the Leatherstocking Council for the Boy Scouts of America, spoke to the club about the Adirondack Foothills District, covering Herkimer County and the eastern half of Oneida County (including the City of Utica), is one of four districts in the Leatherstocking Council. The district serves a total of over 891 youth in 48 units.
Moorestown Breakfast Rotary Club (NJ) May 2, 2017 (award)
Moorestown Rotary Breakfast Club is teaming up with Boy Scout Troop 44 to clean up Moorestown's Jeff Young Memorial Park. Over 50 members of the Rotary Club worked with Boy Scout Troop 44 to clean up the park. They brought their shovels, rakes and sweat to weed, trim, mulch and clean up trash at the park. The 9-acre park is named for Sgt. Jeffrey Young, USMC, who was killed in the terrorist bombing of The United States Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon on Oct. 23,1983. |
Oak Ridge Rotary Clubs (TN); Sept. 19, 2017 (award)
Oak Ridge Sunset, Oak Ridge and Oak Ridge Breakfast Rotary Clubs
The Girl Scouts of Oak Ridge made a donation of $1,000 for a new Peace Pavilion for the Oak Ridge International Friendship Bell after a visit from sister Girl Scout Troop 37 in Naka, Japan. The three Oak Ridge Rotary Clubs followed suit and presented a check for $10,000 for the Peace Pavilion.
Okehampton Rotary Club (UK) April 7, 2017 (award)
Okehampton Rotary Club presented a cheque to district Explorer Scout leader Phil Morris and North Dartmoor Explorer Scout leader Martin Hall for the construction of a new plywood canoe and paddles, which the unit plan to take to Roadford Reservoir sailing centre to test its attributes before taking it on trips around the Westcountry.
Patterson Rotary Club (CA); August 3, 2017 (award)
Patterson High senior Matt Ochoa and a 12 volunteers gave the bleachers at Patterson Community Stadium to give the bleachers a fresh coat of red and gray paint. Ochoa received donations from the Rotary Club of Patterson to help fund his Eagle Scout Service Project.
Paulding County Rotary Club (GA) June 30, 2017 (award)
Paulding County Rotary Club invited Bobbi Carter, Paulding's District Representative for the Boy Scouts of America, as their speaker. Ms. Carter had been actively involved in Scouting most of her life. She has served the Dan Beard Council in Cincinnati, Ohio, the Erie Shores Council and now the Atlanta Area Council as Executive Director for the Pickett's Mill District (Paulding County). Ms. Carter is also a member of the Dallas Rotary Club.
Pawleys Island Rotary Club (SC); Sept. 14, 2017 (award)
For his Eagle Scout project, Clay Register built and installed Little Free Libraries at five sites along the Waccamaw Neck. Pawleys Island Rotary Club provided a funding match to the $900 in donations Register collected.
Peebles Rotary Club (Scotland); Aug. 31, 2017 (award)
Peebles Rotary Club helped the town's Scout Group fund their new hall by donating £500. The club has been a long-term supporter of the project, having been involved with the Scouts for around 15 years. The Scout Group is aiming to be using the new hall by the end of the year.
Poway-Scripps Rotary Club (CA); July 21, 2017 (award)
The Rotary Club of Poway-Scripps's new co-presidents will be focusing on keeping up the club's service to the community including sponsoring two Boy Scout troops and one Cub Scout pack.
Rochford Rotary Club (UK); July 13, 2017 (award)
The 4th Rochford Scout Group celebrated the group's 60th anniversary by opening its new Scout Hall Extension. A total of £92,000 was raised for the project, which includes a large porch/waiting area for parents, plus toilets and a wheelchair accessible shower room added. |
Rolla Rotary Club (MO); Nov. 20, 2017 (award)
Karl Jacobs contacted Rolla Rotary Club to get donations for the food baskets for Veterans. The club donated to get everything started. Boy Scouts, Rotary members and other volunteers packed 65 gift boxes packed with a ham, bacon, pumpkin pie, a six-pack of rolls, a six-pack of Pepsi, canned goods, cereal, perishable items.
Roselle-Roselle Park Rotary Club (NJ) May 21, 2017 (award)
Roselle-Roselle Park Rotary Club donated $3,000 and worked alongside other volunteers to restore Roselle Girl Scout's "Camp Letico" to its former glory. Girl Scouts from Roselle and Roselle Park and many others joined in on the work detail. The Rotary presented the camp to the Roselle Girl Scout Council during the 1954-55 Rotary year.
Santa Maria Breakfast Rotary Club (CA) March 11, 2017 (award)
The Breakfast Rotary Club of Santa Maria has donated $1,000 to Orcutt's Girl Scout Troop 50973 for a trip this summer to visit historic U.S landmarks, including in Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and New York City. The gift will also help with community projects such as Easter baskets for the children living at the local Good Samaritan Shelter and Valentine cards they make and give to seniors.
Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary Club (CA); July 24, 2017 (award)
At the BSA National Jamboree in West Virginia, Scouts and leaders from North Bay helped Del Raby of Windsor celebrated his 91st birthday at the Jamboree. Del is an ex-Scout and Boy Scout exec. Scouting and Rotary Club colleagues pooled the money to pay his way.
Shepshed-Charnwood Rotary Club (England); Nov. 7, 2017 (award)
Shepshed Charnwood Rotary Club held its annual coffee morning. Kegworth Scout Group turned out to help serve cakes kindly supplied by the Scouts and Rotarians. Several Scouts demonstrated pioneering by practicing the building of a shelter. The event raised over £340 for the group in addition to a donation to the church.
Skaneateles Rotary Club (NY) January 10, 2017 (award)
During the weekly meeting, the Skaneateles Rotary Club recognized four members of Boy Scout Troop 61 who received their Eagle Scout awards. The Rotary Club has sponsored the troop since 1933. About 60 Rotarians, parents and invited guests attended. Several who attended the event said it was a humbling and touching ceremony.
Southern Ulster Rotary Club (NY); July 28, 2017 1 2 (award)
Kevin Roberts donated a custom motorcycle for a raffle to benefit scouting. The money will benefit Plattekill Boys Scout Troop 195 and Rip Van Winkle Council. On behalf of the scouts; the Rotary of Southern Ulster is handling the motorcycle raffle.
Summerville Oakbrook Rotary Club (SC) March 7, 2017 (award)
Members of the Summerville Oakbrook Rotary Club gathered Monday, March 6, 2017, to dedicate a flagpole at Palmetto Scholars Academy charter school. The flagpole was installed as an Eagle Scout project by Ayden Eddings of Troop 502. The pole was purchased by the local Rotary club. The flagpole honors local Rotary and Boy Scout volunteers.
Trenton Rotary Club (MO) May 19, 2017 (award)
Shana Norris, membership director of the Girl Scouts of Northeast Kansas and Northwest Missouri, presented a program to the Trenton Rotary Club. Mrs. Norris said there are 23,310 Girl Scouts in the Northeast Kansas/Northwest Missouri area, which serves 47 counties. Trenton is located in the northern region, with Grundy County having 76 girls in 11 troops. She described the Girl Scouts as a leadership program for girls.
Twin Falls Rotary Club (ID); Dec. 3, 2017 (award)
Twin Falls Rotary Club awarded $1,500 to Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Council to provide low-income Girl Scouts in the Twin Falls area with financial aid for Girl Scout related programs and activities. The council currently serves 400 kindergarten through 12th grade girls in the Twin Falls area.
Tyldesley w/Atherton Rotary Club (England); Dec. 26, 2017 (award)
5th Tyldesley Scout Group leader David Simpson sought a £4,000 trailer to take to Ireland with the group. A Wigan Council Brighter Borough funding grant of £1,500, a £275 cheque from the Atherton Rotary Club and £250 donations from councilors in their area also helped the scouts to achieve their goal. The balance was raised by up-trading a banana.
Ulverston Rotary Club (England); Oct. 24, 2017 (award)
Ulverston's Xenolith Explorer Scout Unit became a Rotary Interact Club . The Rotary Club of Ulverston and the Xenolith Unit have worked together for a number of years helping each other with community projects so becoming an Interact Club seemed to be a natural progression.
Warwick Rotary Club (RI); Aug. 9, 2017 (award)
Rotary Club of Warwick invited Tim McCandless, Scout Executive and CEO of the Narragansett Council, to share his enthusiasm for Scouting at a recent meeting.
Westfield Rotary Club (MA); August 26, 2017 (award)
Boy Scout Troop #109 served as food vendors at the 3rd annual Westfield Food Fest, a two-day event was hosted by the Rotary Club of Westfield. Proceeds from the event are returned to the community in the form of grants for service projects which promote the Rotary's areas of focus.
Winchester Area Rotary Clubs (VA); Dec. 5, 2017 (award)
Winchester Rotary and Strasburg Rotary Clubs
For his Eagle Scout project, Bryce Williams of Stephen City, coordinated efforts between his Boy Scout Troop 15, the Winchester Rotary Club, the Strasburg Rotary Club, and the World Scouting Organization. to collected & delivered 2,200 educational supplies to three schools in Negril.
Yelm Rotary Club (WA); Nov. 9, 2017 (award)
Yelm Rotary Club recognized Jared Cullum as Student of the Month. Jared, a senior patrol leader in Boy Scout Troop 268, participated in 10 different Eagle Scout projects, flag ceremonies on Veterans and Memorial days, and many community service activities. He is now an assistant Scoutmaster.
Back to Synopsis of YSA
Abingtons Rotary Club (PA); November 1, 2016 (award)
The Abingtons Rotary Club pledged to continue to support the Boys Scout Troop 160, Clarks Summit. Scoutmaster John D’Elia and Troop Committee Chairman Mark Davis presented their charter to Rotary treasurer Leah Rudolph who signed the charter. This partnership has existed for more than 50 years. Scouts help with set up and clean up at the Rotary Fourth of July fireworks display and Rotary pasta dinner.
Barrow's Rotary Clubs (UK); November 22, 2016 (award)
The scout group in Walney desperately needed to refurbish the 100-year-old hall where they carry out their activities. Barrow’s three Rotary clubs – Barrow, Furness and Furness Peninsula - came together to buy materials and a new safer vinyl floor covering for Knox Street Hall in Vickerstown, Walney. This benefits the Walney Churches Scout Group and other groups who use the hall, such as the First Responders and the Casualty Union.
Berkeley Heights Rotary Club (NJ); October 27, 2016 (award)
Boy Scout Troop 68 of Berkeley Heights received the prestigious Rotary Community Service Award. Among the troop's contributions are setting up a temporary homeless shelter, assisting at Cub Scout Pinewood Derbies, collecting food for homeless youth, participating in the Relay for Life and Rotary Club Rubber Ducky Festival, gardening at the Wagner Farms Arboretum, collecting trash and recycling for the Berkeley Heights Town Clean-Up Day, supervising games at a school picnic, ecological projects at the Summit Arboretum, sorting food donations for local food banks and the collection of children's toys for impoverished areas of the Appalachia area in West Virginia.
Blind River Rotary Club (Canada); June 2, 2016 (award)
The Rotary Club of Blind River presented a cheque for $1,000 to the Blind River Girl Guides, Brownies, Sparks and Pathfinders. The money was generated through their 26th annual John Menard/AJ Shamas Memorial Golf Tournament.
Brentwood Noon Rotary Club in Tennessee

Brentwood Noon Rotary Club (TN) February 3, 2016 (award)
The Brentwood Noon Rotary Club held its 11th annual Little Harpeth River cleanup to clean up 10 miles through the city, removing more than 2,850 pounds of trash. Volunteers from Boy Scout Troops 8, 86, 93 and 747 helped, as well as Cub Scout Packs 6, 136, 223, 290 and 419. |
Bullard Rotary Club (TX); June 15, 2016 (award)
The Bullard Rotary Club provided funds to cover the fuel expenses for Bullard Boy Scout Troop 366 to travel to Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, NM, and go on a 10-day, 60-mile hike in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. 15 high school aged scouts and four adult advisors participated.
Calhoun Rotary Club (GA); March 24, 2016 (award)
As part of the Calhoun Rotary Club’s Scouting Outreach Program, the club hosted Audie Murphy, Scoutmaster of Troop 39, and Adam Hill, Cubmaster of Pack 39. They also help The Boys & Girls Clubs, Interact Clubs, and Rotakids Clubs.
Crawley Rotary Club (UK); October 25, 2016 (award)
The 7th Crawley Beaver Scouts planted 5,000 purple crocus corms for Rotary International’s Purple4Polio campaign. They were joined by scout leaders, their parents, members of the Rotary Club, Lions and the Forget Me Not dementia care support group. The Purple4Polio campaign is part of Rotary’s 30 year worldwide commitment to eradicate polio.
Cohasset Rotary Club (MA); March 29, 2016 (award)
Cohasset Rotary 10K Road Race by the Sea that is turning 40 this year. It supports many organizations including the Boy Scouts. Many Eagle Scout projects receive Rotary Club support. The Boy Scouts are one of the biggest groups that help keep the race running.
Devon Rotary Club (CT). January 10, 2016 (award)
A grant from the Devon Rotary Club funded Girl Scout Jenelle Grant’s Gold Award service project to create a sustainable Art Club at the Jonathan Law High School which presented an art show at the Milford Arts Council.
Eagle River Rotary Club (AK); February 24, 2016 (award)
Steve Puterbaugh, Scoutmaster of Troop 219 in Eagle River, Alaska, received the 2015-2016 Vocational Service Award from the Eagle River Rotary Club for his strong leadership, dedication and devoted service to youth for more than 15 years, both Cub and Boy Scouts.
Fredericktown Rotary Club (MO); June 29, 2016 (award)
Boy Scout Trevan West from Troop 27, chartered to the Fredericktown Rotary Club, was honored for receiving the Boy Scouts of America Honor Medal for saving the life of his father when he was electrocuted while working on an air conditioning unit. The award was presented at the Greater St. Louis Area Council, BSA annual recognition dinner.
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club (OH); June 21, 2016 (award)
The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club agreed to purchase a Little Free Library installation to be assembled and placed near the Headwaters Trail leading from the South Street Park. The assembly and mounting of the facility are part of an Eagle Scout project proposed by Kyle Collins.
Gourock Club (Scotland); May 26, 2016 (award)
Rotary Club of Gourock presented Scout Leaders Emma and Jamie Parker with Paul Harris Awards for their work with 1st Gourock Scouts. The Scouts have supported many events in the local community such as Gourock Garden Party, Gourock Highland Games and Rotary's annual Hark in the Park.
Great Falls Rotary Club (MT); February 27, 2016 (award)
Great Falls Rotary Club recognized 22 boys and 3 girls for their Eagle Scout and Gold Award projects. This was the 21st time the Rotary Club honored such projects. Since 1995, more than 622 Scouts have provided 92,729 hours of public service to the community.
Hillsborough Club (NJ); April 13, 2016 (award)
The Hillsborough Rotary Club turned over their Bee Hive Project to Boy Scout Troop 1776. 15,000 bees will take up residence in a specially-designed compound at Ann Van Middlesworth Park built jointly by the Rotary club and the Scout troop. The hives are expected to produce enough honey to be harvested and sold.
Kamloops Daybreak Rotary Club (CA); January 20, 2016 (award)
The Kamloops Daybreak Rotary Club runs Ribfest to support many Kamloops charities including the Girl Guides of Canada. Ribfest takes over Riverside Park in August for a full weekend of fantastic, free, family fun. It includes entertainment and the family zone.
Knutsford Rotary Club (UK); January 26, 2016 (award)
The Knutsford Rotary Club’s annual Knutsford Jog helped the 1st Knutsford Scouts Group replace their current headquarters with a new, larger modern purpose built timber clad unit for Explorers, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers Girl Guides, Brownies and Rainbows.
La Crosse Rotary Clubs (WI) December 9, 2016 (award)
Eagle Scouts, brothers Alex and Nick Shupe earned the rank of Eagle Scout by building the barn for the reindeer and making new candy canes posts for the La Crosse Rotary Lights display. Food contributions are collected to donate to local food pantries. The scouts knew they wanted to do something for Rotary Lights because they feel the holiday display is a big part of the community.
Lake Conroe Rotary Club (NY); September 17, 2016 (award)
Lake Conroe Rotary Club recognized Scouts for their contributions to Memorial Park. Scout Frank Schmidt’s Eagle Project was identifying and labeling plants in the park. Mason Ganahl completed the “Stairways to Memory” which connects the lower Veterans Garden to the upper trail in Memorial Park. Girl Scout Projects were in the dramatic Butterfly Garden. Jessica Green created in 2014 and Vannessa Barnett and Makalyn Curley finished their project in 2016. Girl Scout Troop Leader Samantha Barnett was awarded a Rotary Paul Harris Fellowship for her work with Vannessa and Makalyn on The Butterfly Garden.
Launceston Club (Cornwall); May 18, 2016 (award)
Launceston Rotary Club organizes an annual day of fun and friendship for the disabled. People with a learning disability take part in leisure, social and creative activities. The Lewannick Girl Guides helped make the event fun for all who took part.
Middleport Rotary Club (NY). January 4, 2016 (award)
The Middleport Rotary Club donated a building known as The Scout House in Rotary Park to the village so that local Scouts would have a place to meet. The Middleport Rotary Club charters Boy Scout Troop 23 in Middleport.
Montrose Rotary Club (UK); March 11, 2016 (award)
Montrose Rotary Club is launching an initiative to recruit new members. The club will be hosted a drop-in evening for anyone interested in joining and finding out more about the work Montrose Rotary does including sponsoring guides, brownies and scouts to attend camps.
Myall Coast Rotary Club (Australia); November 8, 2016 (award)
Myall Coast Rotary Club and Scouts Australia joined forces at the Myall River Festival to promote the re-establishment of the Hawks Nest/Tea Gardens Scout Troop. 70 children and one Troop Leader expressed interest. Local tradesmen are giving their time to make renovations at the Scout Hall. Rotary ran a guessing competition at the Festival to raise funds.
Newton Aycliffe Rotary Club (UK); March 3, 2016 (award)
The Newton Aycliffe Rotary Club presented 90 year-old mayor, Mary Dalton, the Paul Harris Fellowship honor for her long and dedicated service to the Newton Wycliffe Community including service to Scouts and Guides.
Northampton Rotary Clubs (UK); March 17, 2016 (award)
The annual swimarathon organised by the Rotary clubs in Northampton raised more than £3,000 for charities. Swimmers from the Brownies, the Girl Guides and the Scouts together with teams made up of members from families and friends participated.
Orange Rotary Club (VA); September 16, 2016 (award)
The Orange Rotary Club hosted a benefit barbecue to support the Rotary Youth and Boy Scout Fund. They expect to raise around $5,000.
Plano Rotary (IL); November 3, 2016 (award)
Eagle Scout Michael McGinnis of Plano developed a trail encompassing the Sherman R. Cook Memorial Scout Park and created two primitive campsites as part of his Eagle Scout candidate service project, and members of Boy Scout Troop 71 have held primitive camping weekends on the property. A new entrance sign has been erected to identify the property and a rededication and ribbon-cutting were held.
Randolph Rotary Club (NC); November 10, 2016 (award)
The Randolph Rotary Club visited Woodfield Scout Preservation of the BSA’s Old North State Council. “Camp Woodfield is introducing a Waterfront Complex that would include paddle boats and water safety. The Scouts will learn skills like how to protect themselves — and others — from heat-related illnesses.”
Renton Rotary Club (WA); February 13, 2016 (award)
Rotary Club of Renton recognizes three Renton School District high school students each month as Youth of the Month. The club reviews applications and interviews students to identify the Youth of the Month. The students and parents are honored guests at a regular Rotary luncheon.
Roselle-Roselle Park Rotary Club (NJ); August 1, 2016 (award)
The President of the Roselle - Roselle Park Rotary Club attended the Court of Honor for Roselle Troop 40 Eagle Scout David Tibbs. Mickiewicz presented the Eagle Scout with the Rotary Certificate of Achievement as part of the Rotary District 7510 Scouting Services Initiative. Because these ideals Scouting and Rotary align so closely, in 2008 District 7510 Rotarians initiated a unique plan to recognize the pinnacle achievements of young men and women who have embraced Scouting’s principles.
Salina Rotary Club (CO); July 4, 2016 (award)
The Salida Rotary Club operated a dunk tank in Riverside Park on July 4th. They solicited a number of prominent residents to be the dunks. The event was broadcast live on a local radio station. One hundred percent of the proceeds will go to help fund the Scout Hut project.
San Marino Rotary Club (CA); February 23, 2016 (award)
San Marino Rotary Club hosted its annual Chili Cook-Off competition to win prize money for their charity. San Marino Fire Department won 2nd in popular vote and 3rd in judges vote for Boy Scout Troop 358. Bob Houston won 2nd in judges vote and also selected Troop 358.
São José dos Campos Clubs (Brazil); May 31, 2016 (Sul award) (Santana award)
The Assisi House Brotherhood of São José dos Campos provides assistance to street people. Girl Scout, Giovana, heard about their work and spread the word to her and other Girl Scout troops. They in turn received support from the Rotary Clubs São José dos Campos South and São José dos Campos - Santana. Together, they collected well over 600 items of clothing and blankets.
St Andrews Rotary Club (UK); June 25, 2016 (award)
The St Andrews Rotary Club was one of the sponsors which helped scouts from the 8th Fife St Andrews Explorer Scouts, joined by leaders and active support volunteers, travel to the International Scout Base at Kanderstag in Switzerland.
Sherborne Castles Rotary Club in the UK

Sherborne Castles Rotary Club (UK). January 18, 2016 (award)
Thanks to a donation from the Sherborne Castles Rotary Club to fund a coach, the 1st Sherborne Girl Guides were able to visit an activity camp in the New Forest. |
Southampton Rotary Club (Canada); May 30, 2016 (award)
At a recent wine and cheese reception, the Southampton Rotary Club revealed they donated to the accessible playground at Jubilee Park, built and maintains the Rotary Scout Hall, and supports local youth through scholarships an literacy programs.
Stamford Burghley Rotary Club (UK); July 4, 2016 (award)
The Rotary Club of Stamford Burghley presented a cheque for £1,000 to scout leader Jon Deardon during celebrations at Burghley Park when the scout group marked its 100th birthday. The money was raised at a concert in April by the Corby Male Voice choir. The scouts used the money to buy five go-Karts, which will be used by all cubs and scouts in the local area.
Stryker Rotary Club (OH); October 3, 2016 (award)
Kimberly Stuckey, of the Girl Scout Troop in West Unity, spoke to the Stryker Rotary Club about her “Gold Project” which includes landscaping work in several areas around the village. She updated landscape at two of the village signs as well as at the town hall and worked on several planters in the village.
Wallkill Valley Rotary Club (NJ); October 10, 2016 (award)
Wallkill Valley Rotary Club helped at the Hamburg Fire Department Parade on Saturday, by making and bagging over 2000 sandwiches. Some of the groups helping out were: Cub Scout Pack 84 and Girl Scout Troop 94664 of Vernon.
Walnut Rotary Club (IL) December 16, 2016 (award)
The Rotary Club of Walnut recognized Brian Stull as the month’s model of “Service Above Self.” Brian serves as a member of the village board, is a volunteer in the Walnut Fire Department, a youth softball coach and a Cub Scout leader. He makes an incredible role model for young and old alike.
Westward Rotary Club (MA); June 15, 2016 (award)
The Westford Rotary Club is supporting Girl Scout Troop 85009 in their Bronze Award Project to collect donations for the Westward Food Pantry at the Westward Farmers Market. The Troop will also be able to accept donations of fresh purchased produce from Market Basket or Whole Foods.
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Abingtons Rotary Club (PA); June 8, 2015 (award)
The Abington Rotary Club recognized 8 Eagle Scouts from Boy Scout Troop 160, which they charter.
Anaheim Hills Rotary Club (CA); June 8, 2015 (award)
A sensory garden was the Eagle Scout project of Canyon High senior Matthew McMahan in partnership with the Anaheim Hills Rotary Club.
Barnard Castle Rotary Club (UK). December 20, 2015 (award)
The Barnard Castle Rotary Club included the Staindrop Scouts and Barnard Castle Scouts as major recipients in their charitable efforts.
Belconnen Rotary Club in Australia

Belconnen Club (Australia); September 20, 2015 (award)
The Scouts ACT branch, the Rotary Club of Belconnen and in-kind donations made up the $130,000 needed to rebuild the Diamantina Scout Hall after it was targeted by teenage arsonists in 2010. |
Berkeley Heights Club (NJ); June 21, 2015 (award)
Boy Scout Troop 368 hosted their 12th annual Rubber Ducky Race at Passaic River Park in Berkeley Heights. This is an annual fundraiser for the Troop is partnered with the Berkeley Heights Rotary Club.
Bewdley Rotary Club (UK). November 17, 2015 (award)
The Bewdley Rotary Club made donations to the Bewdley Guides and Brownies and other community organizations from the proceeds of their recent Button Oak Community Fete.
Blandford Rotary Club (UK); August 5, 2015 (award)
Blandford Rotary Club is making the refurbishment of the 90 year old Blandford Scout Hut a top priority for the club and are working with Blandford Scouts to help raise money for refurbishment.
Buchanan Rotary Club (VA). November 18, 2015 (award)
The Buchanan Rotary Club, Boy Scout Troop 131 and Cub Scout Pack 207 celebrated the completion of renovations to the Buchanan Scout Lodge building. The Buchanan Rotary Club has sponsored Troop 131 since the early 1940s and now sponsors Pack 207. The Rotary Club originally built the Scout Lodge in the mid 1970s.
Cayman Brac Rotary Club in Cayman Islands
Cayman Brac Club (Cayman Islands); December 22, 2015 (award)
The Cayman Brac Rotary Club invited Girl Guides, Brownies and Rainbows to their annual Senior Citizens Dinner. Approximately 75 seniors enjoyed dinner and songs and fellowship with young ladies from these youth organizations. |
Cohasset Rotary Club (MA); October 23, 2015 (award)
Cohasset Rotary donated more than $1 million to recipients including the Boy Scouts and individual Eagle Scout projects. Fundraisers included a 10K by the Sea, Cohasset Phone Book and an Annual Wine Dinner.
Edwardsville Rotary Club (IL). December 16, 2015 (award)
The Edwardsville Rotary Club honored Edwardsville High School student Ethan Hill as their Student of the Month. Ethan is an Eagle Scout, was a Rotary International Youth Exchange student to Spain and earned the Service Above Self award for Interact.
Falls Church Rotary Club (VA); October 19, 2015 (award)
The Falls Church Rotary Club recently teamed up with Girl Scout Troop 1251 during the City of Falls Church’s Fall Community Clean Up.
Glendale Rotary Club (AZ). November 5, 2015 (award)
At a special Veterans Day observance, the Glendale Rotary Club presented a Rotary boat to the Boy Scouts of the Grand Canyon Council to use to teach Scouts boating practices. The Mayor, a former Eagle Scout, was a speaker.
Kennett Rotary Club (MO); September 26, 2015 (award)
Kennett Rotary Club contributed to an Eagle Scout Project of Kennett Troop 272 to build and place "Little Free Libraries" in three community facilities.
Kidderminster Rotary Club (UK); August 24, 2015 (award)
Kidderminster Rotary Club has donated £500 for an archery shelter to be built at the district scouts’ outdoor centre in Bewdley in memory of David Pagett.
Kutztown Rotary Club (PA); September 25, 2015 (award)
Kutztown Rotary organized a group effort to harvest 24,240 pounds of potatoes for local food banks as part of the Potato Project. 5 Rotary Clubs, Kutztown's Rotaract Club, and several Girl Scout Troops participated.
Lewisburg Sunrise Rotary Club (PA). November 12, 2015 (award)
The Lewisburg Sunrise Rotary Club supported Boy Scout Adam Maxwell with his Eagle Scout Project where he built stairs, railings and a mid-point landing with a bench for the pavilion at Trinity United Methodist Church in Winfield.
Liberty Rotary Club (TX). December 29, 2015 (award)
The Liberty Rotary Club hosted Scout James Davis, a junior at Liberty High School, who described his Eagle Scout project, to create a special needs park within the Liberty Municipal Park. He intends to raise approximately $50,000 for the special-needs playground equipment.
North Balwyn Rotary Club (Australia); October 26, 2015 (award)
The Rotary Club of North Balwyn established a partnership with the 1st North Balwyn Scout Group. Rotarians assist the Scout Group and the Scouts help at Rotary Fundraisers.
Northville Rotary Club (NY); September 15, 2015 (award)
The Northville Rotary Club presented a check for $915 to the Northville Boy Scout Troop 55 at a Rotary meeting.
Redlands Sunrise Rotary Club (CA); September 2, 2015 (award)
A member of Boy Scout Troop 3 organized a children’s book drive for his Eagle Scout project. The drive brought in 3,247 books for Redlands Sunrise Rotary Club’s Read for Life program.
Revelstoke Rotary Club (BC, Canada). December 9, 2015 (award)
The Revelstoke Rotary Club recognized Roma Threatful as their 2016 Citizen of the Year for her service to the Girl Guides for 38 years — 10 as an kid and 28 as an adult volunteer. She was also recognized for her volunteer work at the Volunteer Fair.
Rochdale East Rotary Club (UK). November 23, 2015 (award)
The Rotary Club of Rochdale East made a donation to the 7th A Rochdale Scout Group to help them modernize and repair their headquarters at Spotland Bridge. The Group HQ was built by the Scouts themselves, and opened in 1962.
Roselle-Roselle Park Rotary Club (NJ); June 21, 2015 (award)
After a luncheon prepared by Girl Scout volunteers at Camp Letico the Rotary Club of Roselle-Roselle Park members presented a donation to the Girl Scouts of Camp Letico.
Salida Rotary Club and Salida Sunrise Rotary Club (CO). December 28, 2015 (Salida award)(Salida Sunrise award)
The Salida Rotary Club and Salida Sunrise Rotary Club are near their goal to raise $100,000 to renovate the Scout Hut in Riverside Park, in Salida, Colorado. The Hut was built in 1949 as a meeting place for Scouts. More than 30 organizations use the Scout Hut, as well as Girl Scout and Boy Scout groups.
Southern Ocean Rotary Clubs (NJ); September 23, 2015 (award)
The Boy Scouts of the Jersey Shore Council and the Rotary Clubs of Southern Ocean County join forces for Operation Halloween.
Southside Rotary Club (TX); June 6, 2015 (award)
Members of Boy Scout Troop 232 and Southside Rotary honored fallen servicemen and women by placing flags in observance of Memorial Day. The Flag Project helps fund camp scholarships and other troop projects.
Stratford Rotary Club (CT). November 25, 2015 (award)
Stratford Rotary Club joined with the Stratford IGIP Guides and Princesses, local Boy Scout troops and other groups to help 200 Stratford families enjoy Thanksgiving by distributing turkeys and holiday gift baskets at the Stirling House Community Center.
Ulverston Rotary Club (UK). December 23, 2015 (award)
The Ulverston Rotary Club Broadley award for young people who do work within the local community was presented to the Ulverston-based Xenolith Explorer Scouts for restocking municipal planters, building animal rescue boxes, cleaning up roadside liter, work on a garden project for primary students and more.
Whistler Millennium Rotary Club (BC, Canada). November 16, 2015 (award)
The Whistler Millennium Rotary Club presented the Volunteer of the Year ward to Jennifer Patterson for her role in the Whistler Girl Guides and other groups. She has hosted two Rotary Exchange students and her daughter was a Rotary Exchange Student to Denmark.
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