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IFSR Group
Rotary International has been a partner with the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in serving young people since their inception. As Rotary spread around the world, its support of Scouting and Girl Guiding also spread. In 1916, Rotarians in Edinburgh, Scotland, joined by 100 local Scouts, organized a special Christmas party for children whose fathers were serving in World War I. In 1922, the Rotary Club of Manila, Philippines, established a local Scout council. Rotary Clubs from Australia to Brunei built huts for Girl Guide groups.
The principles and goals of Rotary, Scouting and Guiding are closely allied. Character-building; service to country, to others, and to self; teaching leadership skills; and becoming aware of the world around us–these are all incorporated into the programs and activities of each organization. The values expressed in Rotary International’s Motto and the Four Way Test greatly parallel those articulated in the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan.
Rotarians have long served as role models, demonstrating leadership, character, and the value of selfless service to the community. Rotary founder Paul P. Harris was himself a recipient of Scouting's prestigious Silver Buffalo award in 1934. His and others' efforts represent to a high degree the slogan "Every Rotarian an Example to Youth."
One of the first interactions between Rotary and both Scouting and Guiding were in helping provide camps. Many early camps were called Camp Rotary and many such camps still exist. Rotary clubs also chartered or otherwise supported Scout and Guide groups. Today, Rotarians remain among the foremost sponsors of Scouting and Guiding, seeing it, like Rotary, as an excellent way to serve others. Rotary clubs in the United States charter over 1,400 Scouting units (Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout Troops, and Venturing crews) serving about 45,000 Scouts.
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IFSR & The Unnoticed Intersection
by Dr. Johannes Winter
Brian Thiessen with Dr. Johannes Winter of Nanheim, Germany at the IFSR Meeting on July 29, 2011, in Sweden.
Parallels between Rotary and the Boy Scouts are numerous, and the potential remains unused in my country (Germany).
Scouting's educational goals - based on a system of values established by the Scout Law and Promise - promote the development of young people to be responsible citizens who play an active and constructive role in their community, "creating a better world". The Scout Slogan, “Do A Good Turn Daily”, represents the social commitment of service to society. The parallels between the Four-Way Test and the Scout Law, Promise and Motto "Be Prepared!" are significant. So it is not surprising that in the early 90s, at the suggestion of a group of British Rotarians who were also scouts, the International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians (IFSR) was launched.
The IFSR goal is a strong international forum of Rotarians who are also Scouts to promote Scouting at local, national and international levels – there are around 1,300 US Rotary clubs actively involved.
Unfortunately, Germany has only a small number of members in this Rotarian brotherhood of scouts, though certainly, in their youth, very many Rotarians were in the Boy Scouts. From the Rotarian viewpoint, the Scout Movement is definitely worthy of support – in part because of the many substantive commonalities. The IFSR is looking forward to having even more members from Germany (and throughout the world).
[This was originally published in the October 2015 Rotary Magazin in German.] Back to top of Page |
To Help Other People at All Times
Such is the burden we carry as Scouters and Guiders. Coupled with our commitment to “Serve Above Self” as Rotarians, the opportunities to give of ourselves are endless. Many of us give of our time and talent on a local basis. Virtually every one of us has shown an interest in reaching out beyond our own borders through our affiliation with this fellowship.
Conversely, Scouting and Guiding has proven to be a strong partner in Rotary's mission "to help build a better world". One example is ShelterBox, which provides supplies designed to help an extended family of up to 10 people survive a disaster for at least 6 months. This project was started in 2000 by a Rotary Club in Cornwall, England. It has spread to become the largest project of any Rotary club in the world. Scout and Guide groups quickly joined in supporting ShelterBox. In 2009, The Scout Association officially became a partner in Shelter Box, and in 2012 Rotary International became a project partner. ShelterBox has worked on every continent, responding to earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, typhoons, hurricanes, volcanoes and conflicts.
The most recent IFSR report lists 1,118 active members in 45 countries.
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Message from IFSR World President,
PDG Mark Kriebel

Happy New Year! I hope each of you enjoyed the Holiday season just passed and are now energized to accomplish all your New Year's resolutions, which I hope includes support for both Rotary and Scouting! As I write this, the Interna- tional Assembly is taking place in San Diego, where incom- ing District Governors are receiving training and inspiration from President-Elect Mark Maloney who has chosen the theme of "Rotary Connects the World" for the 2019-2020 Rotary year. If you take that theme a step further, the IFSR not only connects our members across the world through our Fellowship but connects the Scouting and Rotary "worlds" to increase and strengthen both organizations!
This upcoming weekend I'll be in Dallas for the World Scout Jamboree meetings where I'll see several IFSR members who will serve in leadership positions at this summer's World Scout Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia. Among the items on our agenda is planning for the visit of then Rotary International President Mark Maloney and his aide Past Director Larry Lunsford, a first for a Rotary President! Mark and Larry's visit is being coordinated by Beckley, West Virginia Rotary Club President Dan McCarthy and current District 7550 Governor Jim Ferguson, with help from incoming Governor Shari Messinger. The visit of the RI President to the world's largest International Scout gathering signals both Rotary's strong support of Scouting and our shared values and recognition that our future resides in our youth! Interactors and Rotaractors, as well as Rotarians in attendance at the Jamboree will be invited to meet with President Mark, and even if you are not participating as a staff member, I would encourage mak- ing the trek to West Virginia to support the IFSR and local Rotarians who will host Mark over his 2-day visit, July 30-31, 2019.
On our calendar as a Fellowship is the Rotary International Convention and annual meeting in Ham- burg Germany. We always need help in manning our booth in the House of Friendship, so if you are planning on attending the RI Convention and can give us a couple of hours of your time to share your passion about Scouting to Rotarians from around the world, we would appreciate it.
Finally, let me thank each of you for being a member of the IFSR, promoting the fellowship to your friends, and supporting your local Scout units and Scouts.
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The IFSR Website has a new address: ScoutingRotarians.org. Our old address (IFSR-net.org) has been down for a while and if it comes back up, it will be redirected to this new address. Currently the actual home of the IFSR website is Scouters.us/IFSR, but that can change at anytime. The permanent address will be ScoutingRotarians.org .
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IFSR World President, PDG Mark Kriebel receives the Silver Buffalo

Left to right: Dr. Robert Gates, Immediate Past President of the BSA and former US Defense Secretary, Randall Stephenson, BSA President and Chairman/CEO of AT&T, Mark Kriebel, Mark’s wife, Pat, Michael Surbaugh, Chief Scout Executive, and Tico Perez, Immediate Past BSA National Commissioner.
It is our rare honor to welcome yet another Silver Buffalo winner as our IFSR President for 2016 – 2017. Mark joins our outgoing president, PDG Harold Friend, MD at the lofty heights as a Silver Buffalo winner. In 89 years only 750 (out of many millions of volunteers) have been so honored. These are two incredible men who powerfully confirm lives of “Service Above Self.” Harold will continue to serve on the Executive Board and Mark’s biography is below. Let’s join these men to move ahead the mission of IFSR.
Mark Kriebel first joined Rotary in 1977 in Ebensburg, PA, and is currently a member of the Endwell, NY Rotary Club, where he is Treasurer, and served as President in 2001-2002. Mark’s District 7170 work has included chairing most District operating Committees, Assistant Governor, and 2006-07 District Governor. Since his year as Governor, Mark has served Rotary as Zone and Regional Membership Coordinator, Regional Public Image Coordinator, GETS, DGN, and DG trainer and Zone Institute training coordinator, and he has had multiple assignments as President’s Representative, International Convention speaker, and Training Leader and Plenary speaker at the International Assembly in San Diego.
Mark also served on the 2013 and 2016 Council on Legislation, and he’s a popular speaker at mul -District PETS across the Rotary World.
Mark joined Cub Scouts in Akron, Ohio’s Pack 3094 in 1960, and after moving to New York State, received his Eagle as a Scout in Troop 225 in Vestal, NY. During his youth, he was senior crew leader for his Council’s Philmont contingent, Council representative to “Report to the Nation”, and a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow.
Mark became extremely active in the Boy Scouts of America as an adult, where he has served as President of the Baden-Powell Council, President of Northeast Region Area 3, and Regional Vice-President. Mark currently sits on the National Council's Executive Board of the Northeast Region. In addition to chairing the national BSA committee dealing with membership growth and retention, he has led the Northeast Region contingent to both the 2002 Thailand and 2015 Japan World Scout Jamborees, and served as Chief of five National Jamborees. He will again serve as Chief of Echo Base Camp (staff housing) for the 2017 National Jamboree and will be the Base Camp operations liaison for the 2019 World Jamboree. Mark has been named a Distinguished Eagle Scout, is a Vigil member of the Order of the Arrow, and is a recipient of the Silver Beaver, Silver Antelope, and Silver Buffalo awards.
Outside of his Rotary and Scouting service, Mark has served as President of Endwell Baseball, founding Board member of Maine-Endwell Dollars for Scholars, and is currently Treasurer of the Center for Technology and Innovation. He is a familiar voice on radio, television, in stores and "on-hold", and, for nearly 40 years, has been the principal in the MUZAK franchise serving a 10 county area of New York.
Mark‘s wife Patricia has served as Endwell Rotary Club President, and served as District 7170 Governor in 2014-15. She has been a Scout leader and merit badge counselor. Mark and Patricia have hosted Rotary Youth Exchange Students, and they are Rotary Foundation Major Donors, Benefactors, and Bequest Society Members. They are parents of an Eagle Scout son and Girl Scout Silver Award daughter, and have two grandchildren.
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RI President John Germ receives Cliff Dochterman Award
Two jewels for Rotary, Scouting and IFSR. Cliff Dochterman presents the CD Award to John Germ at the 2016 International Assembly in San Diego.
John F. Germ is the Rotary International President for 2016-17.
John is Chairman of the Board of Campbell & Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers. He joined the firm as an engineer in 1965 after four years in the US Air Force. In Chattanooga, he has been active as the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Boy Scouts, Junior Achievement and campaign chairman of the United Way.
He also serves on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of Orange Grove Center, Inc., University of Tennessee at Chattanooga School of Business Advisory Board, Executive Committee and Board of Directors Public Education Foundation, Treasurer CSTCC Foundation, Chairman Blood Assurance, Inc. and President of the Tennessee Jaycee Foundation.
He was recognized as Tennessee Young man of the Year for 1970, Engineer of the Year and is a recipient of the Boy Scouts Silver Beaver Award, Volunteer Fund Raiser of the Year in 1992, and is a recipient of the Arthritis Foundation Circle of Hope Award. He was recognized as the Tennessee Community Organizations Volunteer of the Year in 2009. The White House recognized him as a Champion of Change in 2013.
John joined Rotary in 1976 and has served R.I. as district governor, committee member, delegate to and Chairman of the Council on Legislation, task force zone and area coordinator, Aide to 2007-08 RI President, Chairman of the nominating committee 2011-12 , 2012-13 & 2014-15, International Assembly Training Leader (two years), Vice Chair of TRF Stewardship Committee, Chairman of TRF Investment Committee and TRF Finance Committee, Vice Chairman of the Bangkok Convention Committee, Chairman of Rotary’s U.S.$200 Million Challenge Committee from 1 December 2007 thru 30 June 2012, as well as 2014 Chairman for IPPC and an advisor to the RI Communications Committee.
He has received RI.’s Service Above Self Award and The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service Award. He and his wife, Judy, are Benefactors and members of the Arch Klumph Society of the Rotary Foundation. They have four children and six grandchildren.
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Who Are We?
The International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians (IFSR) is one of more than fifty Rotary
Fellowship Groups established
to bring together Rotarians with similar interests from around the world. This fellowship is
not an agency, or controlled by, Rotary International, WAGGGS or WOSM.
It is made up
of Rotarians, Rotarian spouses, Interact and Rotaract Members who are or were, also, members and/or supporters of the Scout and/or Girl Guide movements.

IFSR Annual Meeting at BSA National Meeting

IFSR Annual Meeting at Rotary International Convention
The aim of IFSR is to develop a strong association
internationally between Rotarians and associates who are, or have been, active
members and/or supporters of the Scout Movement including national organizations
that are members of the World Organization of Scout Movements (WOSM)
or the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
The Objectives of IFSR include the following:
- To encourage and foster the ideal of service by Rotarians to promote the growth and development of the Scout movement.
- To provide opportunities for social and fellowship interaction among IFSR members.
- To give active encouragement to Scouting at local, national and international levels.
- To recognize individuals who have provided exceptionally unique service to Scouting and to Rotary.
Membership of IFSR is open to any Rotarian in good standing,
Rotary spouse or partner or family member or associate who is presently (or has
formerly been) a member and/or supporter of WOSM or WAGGGS organizations

Bud Allison, 2008 World President - International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians (IFSR) and Nathan A. Wolfstein IV, Co-Founder, Eagle Scout Parents - BSA National Parent Initiative, 2008-09 Rotary District 5260 Community Service Chairman and 'Recently Appointed' IFSR Webmaster,
at the IFSR Booth at the Rotary International Convention.
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About the International Fellowship of
Scouting Rotarians
At the Rotary International Convention held in Mexico City in 1991, several Rotarians who were also Scouters met and discussed how to provide an outlet for both interests through a fellowship group within Rotary International. It was felt that because of these dual interests and involvement, there should be many opportunities for past and present Scouters to further the Scouting/Rotary ideals and relationships at local, regional, national, and international levels.
Thus was born the International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians. Numbering over 1,000 members worldwide at the present time, this group is aiding the on-going spirit of Service Above Self. After approval was received from Rotary International, IFSR joined the over 60 different Fellowships and Action Groups sanctioned by Rotary International in which active Rotarians may share their interests and hobbies.
Like original Scouting, the first such group was located in the British Isles (RIBI) and is now spreading throughout the Rotary and Scouting worlds. Canada, Eastern Russia (RI District 5010), the United States, Mexico and the Caribbean were formed into the Inter-American Region. The IFSR is structured along the lines of the World Organization of Scout Movement, which has six distinct regions or areas for administrative purposes - European, Eurasian, African, Australian, InterAmerican, and Asian.
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