The following guidelines and procedures apply to all BSA units,
councils, and national program activities involving bicycling.
1. Qualified Supervision
All unit, district, council, and national event activities
must be supervised by a mature and conscientious adult at least
age 21 who understands and knowingly accepts responsibility for
the safety of children in his or her care, who is experienced
with the skills and equipment involved in the activity, and who
is committed to compliance with these BSA safety guidelines.
2. Physical Fitness
Biking is strenuous. Long treks and hill climbing should not
be attempted without training and preparation. For Scouting activities,
all participants must present evidence of fitness assured by a
complete health history from a physician, parent, or legal guardian.
The adult supervisor should adjust all supervision, discipline,
and protection to anticipate any potential risks associated with
individual health conditions. In the event of any significant
health conditions, proof of an examination by a physician should
be required by the adult leader.
3. Helmets and Clothing
All cyclists must wear a properly sized and fitted helmet approved
by either the Snell Memorial Foundation or the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) standards. Layer your clothing for
warmth on cool days so you can avoid chilling or overheating.
Cover up for sun protection on clear days.
4. Buddy-Up
When the program activity is a bicycle expedition or trek,
the buddy system must be used. When there is program activity
emphasizing individual performance skills, one buddy observes
while the other takes his turn. In competitive activity where
the buddy concept cannot be practically applied, all activity
must be directly observed by the adult supervisor. (Youth members
should be taught that biking with a buddy is best. When biking
alone, apart from Scouting activities, youth members should be
encouraged to tell someone their route, schedule, and destination
before departing.)
5. Keep Right
Ride with the traffic flow, as far to the right as possible.
Avoid curbs, storm drains, soft or loose gravel on shoulders,
and other hazards.
6. Be Smart
Obey all traffic laws, signs, signals, and street markings.
Watch for changes in road conditions. Ride only one to a bike.
Do not ride after dark. No stunts - trick riding is only for professionals
who use special equipment. Yield to motor vehicles even if you
think you have the right-of-way. Never hitch a ride on another
vehicle. Keep your head and ears open and do not wear headphones
while riding.
7. Turns and Intersections
Look left, right, back, and ahead before turning. Stop and
search all directions when entering a street from a driveway,
parking area, sidewalk, or an alley. Signal all turns using universal
hand signals. Walk your bike through or across busy intersections.
8. Right Bike
Ride only a bike that fits you. Select a bike that permits
you to put both feet on the ground while sitting on the seat.
The handgrips should be no higher than your shoulder or lower
than your seat.
9. Accessories
Every bike needs a horn or bell and reflectors (front, back,
and sides). Items should be carried only in baskets, saddlebags,
or on a rear carrier rack. If you must ride in traffic, a bike-
or helmet-mounted mirror is recommended. For long trips, a bike-mounted
container for drinking water is recommended.
10. Maintenance
Keep your bike clean and well-maintained - especially the brakes
and drive chain.
11. Race Right
Open street racing is dangerous. Race only with supervision
on marked courses that have been set up to exclude other vehicle
or pedestrian traffic, to eliminate fall hazards and minimize
collision risks, and to define clearly "start" and "finish"
12. Planning
Plan both the route and timing of bike trips to avoid heavy
traffic and hazardous conditions. Biking is unsafe on wet pavement
and on windy days. Plan for at least hourly rest stops and a maximum
of approximately six hours on the bike per day.
13. Discipline
All participants should know, understand, and follow the rules
and procedures for safe biking, and all participants should conscientiously
and carefully follow all directions from the adult supervisor.
These 16 safety points, which embody good judgment
and common sense, are applicable to all activities:
1. Qualified Supervision
Every BSA activity should be supervised by a conscientious
adult who understands and knowingly accepts responsibility for
the well-being and safety of the children and youth in his or
her care. The supervisor should be sufficiently trained, experienced,
and skilled in the activity to be confident of his or her ability
to lead and teach the necessary skills and to respond effectively
in the event of an emergency. Field knowledge of all applicable
BSA standards and a commitment to implement and follow BSA policy
and procedures are essential parts of the supervisor's qualifications.
2. Physical Fitness
For youth participants in any potentially strenuous activity,
the supervisor should receive a complete health history from a
health-care professional, parent, or guardian. Adult participants
and youth involved in higher-risk activities (e.g., scuba diving)
may have to undergo professional evaluation in addition to completing
the health history. The supervisor should adjust all supervision,
discipline, and protection to anticipate potential risks associated
with individual health conditions. Neither youth nor adults should
participate in activities for which they are unfit. To do so would
place both the individual and others at risk.
3. Buddy System
The long history of the "buddy system" in Scouting
has shown that it is always best to have at least one other person
with you and aware at all times of your circumstances and what
you are doing in any outdoor or strenuous activity.
4. Safe Area or Course
A key part of the supervisors' responsibility is to know the
area or course for the activity and to determine that it is well-suited
and free of hazards.
5. Equipment Selection and Maintenance
Most activity requires some specialized equipment. The equipment
should be selected to suit the participants and the activity and
to include appropriate safety and program features. The supervisor
should also check equipment to determine whether it is in good
condition for the activity and make sure it is kept properly maintained
while in use.
6. Personal Safety Equipment
The supervisor must assure that every participant has and uses
the appropriate personal safety equipment. For example, activity
afloat requires that each participant properly wear a personal
flotation device (PFD); bikers, horseback riders, and whitewater
kayakers need helmets for certain activities; skaters need protective
gear; and all need to be dressed for warmth and utility as the
circumstances require.
7. Safety Procedures and Policies
For most activities, common-sense procedures and standards
can greatly reduce any risk. These should be known and appreciated
by all participants, and the supervisor must assure compliance.
8. Skill Level Limits
Every activity has a minimum skill level, and the supervisor
must identify and recognize this level and be sure that participants
are not put at risk by attempting any activity beyond their abilities.
A good example of skill levels in Scouting is the swim test, which
defines conditions for safe swimming on the basis of individual
9. Weather Check
The risks of many outdoor activities vary substantially with
weather conditions. Potential weather hazards and the appropriate
responses should be understood and anticipated.
10. Planning
Safe activity follows a plan that has been conscientiously
developed by the experienced supervisor or other competent source.
Good planning minimizes risks and anticipates contingencies that
may require an emergency response or a change of plan.
11. Communications
The supervisor needs to be able to communicate effectively
with participants as needed during the activity. Emergency communications
also need to be considered in advance for any foreseeable contingencies.
12. Permits and Notices
BSA tour permits, council office registration, government or
landowner authorization, and any similar formalities are the supervisor's
responsibility when such are required. Appropriate notification
should be directed to parents, enforcement authorities, landowners,
and others as needed, before and after the activity.
13. First-Aid Resources
The supervisor should determine what first-aid supplies to
include among the activity equipment. The level of first-aid training
and skill appropriate for the activity should also be considered.
An extended trek over remote terrain obviously may require more
first-aid resources and capabilities than an afternoon activity
in a local community. Whatever is determined to be needed should
be available.
14. Applicable Laws
BSA safety policies generally parallel or go beyond legal mandates,
but the supervisor should confirm and assure compliance with all
applicable regulations or statutes.
15. CPR Resource
Any strenuous activity or remote trek could present a cardiac
emergency. Aquatic programs may involve cardiopulmonary emergencies.
BSA strongly recommends that a person (preferably an adult) trained
in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) be part of the leadership
for any BSA program. This person should be available for strenuous
outdoor activity.
16. Discipline
No supervisor is effective if he or she cannot control the
activity and individual participants. Youth must respect their
leaders and follow their directions.
Attention Scout leaders! Be aware of "The Risk Zone."
"The Risk Zone" a state of physical and mental
fatigue- is a major cause of highway crash fatalities. Statistics
indicate that 68 percent of fatigue-related accidents occur on
trips that are longer than 500 miles one way or when the driver
is away from home more than one night. Statistics also show that
74 percent of nighttime accidents (between 10 PM and 8 AM) are
fatigue related.
Drivers are generally poor judges of their own level of fatigue
and are unable to predict when they are in danger of falling
asleep at the wheel. And even if they don't fall asleep, drowsy
drivers are not alert and therefore vulnerable to making mistakes
and causing accidents because they cannot process critical information
quickly or accurately.
Motor vehicle are the most dangerous form of transportation
in the United States. A motor vehicle accident could happen anytime.
Plan ahead to reduce the fatigue factor-ensure safe passage
through "The Risk Zone"
Take the Risk Zone Driver's Pledge:
I will not drive when I feel fatigued. I realize
that when I am fatigued, I process information more slowly and
less accurately and this impairs my ability to react in time
to avoid accidents
I will arrange my schedule so that several days
before a Scouting "driving trip," I will get a good
night's sleep every night to avoid the cumulative effect of not
getting enough sleep.
I will make trip preparations far enough in advance
so that last-minute preparations don't interfere with my rest.
I will make travel plans that take into account
my personal biological clock and will drive only during the part
of the day during which I know I will be alert.
I will be smart about engaging in physical activities
during Scouting outings and will make sure that I will be ready
to drive alertly.
The Boy Scouts of America has adopted a number of policies
aimed at eliminating opportunities for abuse within the Scouting
program. These policies focus on leadership selection and on
placing barriers to abuse within the program. These policies
are primarily for the protection of our youth members; however,
they also serve to protect our adult leaders from false accusations
of abuse. Youth Protection Training is required for obtaining
Tour Permits. This
Youth Protection Training may be obtained online.
Two-deep leadership. Two registered adult leaders or one registered
leader and a parent of a participant, one of whom must be 21
years of age or older, are required on all trips and outings.
No one-on-one contact. One-on-one contact between adults and
youth members is not permitted. In situations that require personal
conferences, such as a Scoutmaster's conference, the meeting
is to be conducted in view of other adults and youths.
Respect of privacy. Adult leaders must respect the privacy
of youth members in situations such as changing clothes and taking
showers at camp, and intrude only to the extent that health and
safety require. Adults must protect their own privacy in similar
Separate accommodations. When camping, no youth is permitted
to sleep in the tent of an adult other than his own parent or
guardian. Councils are strongly encouraged to have separate shower
and latrine facilities for females. When separate facilities
are not available, separate times for male and female use should
be scheduled and posted for showers.
Proper preparation for high-adventure activities. Activities
with elements of risk should never be undertaken without proper
preparation, equipment, clothing, supervision, and safety measures.
No secret organizations. The BSA does not recognize any secret
organizations as part of its program. All aspects of the Scouting
program are open to observation by parents and leaders.
Appropriate attire. Proper clothing for activities is required.
Skinny-dipping is not appropriate as part of Scouting.
Constructive discipline. Discipline used in Scouting should
be constructive and reflect Scouting's values. Corporal punishment
is never permitted.
Hazing prohibited. Physical hazing and initiations are prohibited
and may not be included as part of any Scouting activity.
Junior leader training and supervision. Adult leaders must
monitor and guide the leadership techniques used by junior leaders
and ensure that BSA policies are followed.
"3 Rs" of Youth Protection?
The "three Rs" of Youth Protection convey a simple
message that the BSA wants its youth members to learn:
Recognize situations that place him at risk of being molested,
how child molesters operate, and that anyone could be a molester.
Resist unwanted and inappropriate attention. Resistance will
stop most attempts at molestation.
Report attempted or actual molestation to a parent or other
trusted adult. This prevents further abuse of himself and helps
to protect other children. Let the Scout know he will not be
blamed for what occurred.
Member Responsibilities
All members of the Boy Scouts of America are expected to conduct
themselves in accordance with the principles set forth in the
Scout Oath and Law. Physical violence, hazing, bullying, theft,
verbal insults, and drugs and alcohol have no place in the Scouting
program and may result in the revocation of a Scout's membership
in the unit.
Unit Responsibilities
Adult leaders of Scouting units are responsible for monitoring
the behavior of youth members and interceding when necessary.
Parents of youth members who misbehave should be informed and
asked for assistance in dealing with it.
If problem behavior persists, units may revoke a Scout's membership
in that unit. When a unit revokes a Scout's membership, it should
promptly notify the council of the action.
The unit should inform the Scout executive about all incidents
that result in a physical injury or involve allegations of sexual
misconduct by a youth member with another youth member.
Leadership Requirements for Trips and Outings
1. Two-deep leadership:
Two registered adult leaders, or one registered adult and
a parent of a participating Scout, one of whom must be at least
21 years of age or older, are required for all trips or outings.
There are a few instances, such as patrol activities, when no
adult leadership is required. Coed overnight activities require
male and female adult leaders, both of whom must be 21 years
of age or older, and one of whom must be a registered member
of the BSA.
2. During transportation to and from planned Scout outings,
a. Meet for departure at a designated area.
b. Prearrange a schedule for periodic checkpoint stops as
a group.
c. Plan a daily destination point.
A common departure site and a daily destination point are
a must. If you cannot provide two adults for each vehicle, the
minimum required is one adult and two or more youth members -
never one on one.
3. Safety rule of four:
No fewer than four individuals (with the minimum of two adults)
go on any backcountry expedition or campout. If an accident occurs,
one person stays with the injured, and two go for help. Additional
adult leadership requirements must reflect an awareness the size
and skill level of the group, anticipated environmental conditions,
and degree of challenge.
4. Separate Sleeping Facilities for Leaders
Male and female leaders require separate sleeping facilities.
Married couples may share the same quarters if appropriate facilities
are available.
5. Separate Sleeping Facilities for Participants
Male and female youth participants will not share the same
sleeping facility.
6. When staying in tents, no youth will stay in the tent of
an adult other than his or her parent or guardian.
7. If separate shower and latrine facilities are not available,
separate times for male and female use should be scheduled and
posted for showers. The buddy system should be used for latrines
by having one person wait outside the entrance, or provide Occupied
and Unoccupied signs and/or inside door latches.
8. Two-deep adult leadership is required for flying activities.
For basic orientation flights, the adult licensed pilot in control
of the aircraft is sufficient for the flight while two-deep leadership
is maintained on the ground.
Climb On Safely is the Boy Scouts of America's recommended
procedure for organizing BSA climbing/rappelling activities at
a natural site or a facility such as a climbing wall or tower.
Young people today seek greater challenges, and climbing and
rappelling offer a worthy challenge. The satisfaction of safely
climbing a rock face is hard to top. While introduction of the
Climbing merit badge in spring 1997 spurred interest in these
activities through the BSA, the proliferation of climbing gyms
and facilities has also made climbing and rappelling readily
available throughout the US.
This increased interest has made the BSA more aware of the
inherent risks of climbing and rappelling. More accidents occur
during unit rappelling than during council-managed climbing or
rappelling, and more accidents have occurred during rappelling
than climbing. Many climbing/rappelling accidents could be avoided
by having qualified instruction from a conscientious adult who
has the attention and respect of the youth entrusted to his or
her care. Supervision by a caring adult who fully understands
and appreciates the responsibility he or she assumes helps assure
safety when youth engage in or prepare for climbing or rappelling.
The adult supervisor's relationship with youth should reinforce
the importance of following instructions. The adult leader in
charge and the climbing instructor share this responsibility.
The instructor is responsible for all procedures and for safely
conducting the climbing/rappelling activity. The adult supervisor
works cooperatively with the climbing instructor and is responsible
for all matters outside of the climbing/rappelling activity.
A capable instructor has experience in teaching climbing and
rappelling to youth, acknowledges personal limitations, and exercises
good judgment in a variety of circumstances. The person who spent
four days of free-solo climbing on a sheer rock face may have
technical skills but may lack teaching ability or the ability
to empathize with youth who may be apprehensive about climbing.
Examples of sources of qualified climbing and rappelling instructors
include, but are not limited to, the following:
National Outdoor Leadership School
Wilderness Education Association
American Mountain Guides Association
The Mountaineers
Recreational Equipment Inc.
Eastern Mountain Sports
University or college climbing/rappelling instructors or
students Project Adventure instructors
Leaders and instructors should also consult current literature
on climbing and rappelling for additional guidance. Topping Out:
A BSA Climbing/Rappelling Manual, No. 3207, is the most authoritative
guide currently available from the BSA. [return
to top]
& Safe Swim Defense
Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat have been developed to
promote safe swimming and boating safety and to set standards
for safe unit aquatics activities.
Before a BSA group may engage in swimming activities of any
kind, a minimum of one adult leader must complete Safe Swim Defense
training, have a commitment card (No. 34243) with them, and agree
to use the eight defenses in this plan.
Before a BSA group may engage in an excursion, expedition,
or trip on the water (canoe, raft, sailboat, motorboat, rowboat,
tube, or other craft), adult leaders for such activity must complete
Safety Afloat Training, No. 34159A, have a commitment card, No.
34242A, with them, and be dedicated to full compliance with all
nine points of Safety Afloat.
One of the best opportunities for Safe Swim Defense and Safety
Afloat training is at summer camp.
The classification of Swimming Ability is accomplished with
the BSA Swimmer Test which is also performed at camp.
Pool and Surf Swimming
The Safe Swim Defense applies to swimming at the beach, private
or public pool, wilderness pond, stream, lake, or anywhere Scouts
swim. Here are some additional points for the pool and the surf.
Pool - If the swimming activity
is in a public facility where others are using the pool at the
same time, and the pool operator provides guard personnel, there
may be no need for additional designation of Scout lifeguards
and lookout.
The buddy system is critically important, however, even in
a public pool. Remember, even in a crowd, you are alone without
protection if no one is attentive to your circumstances.
The rule that people swim only in water suited to their ability
and with others of similar ability applies in a pool environment.
Most public pools divide shallow and deep water, and this may
be sufficient for defining appropriate swimming areas. If not,
the supervisor should clearly indicate to the participating Scouts
the appropriate areas of the public facility. Although such procedures
add a margin of safety, their use may not always be practical
when the swim activity is conducted at a public facility where
non-Scouts are present. A responsible adult supervisor, who understands
his or her responsibility and the elements of safety, can exercise
discretion regarding certain procedures while maintaining safety.
Surf - The surf swimming environment
of wave action, currents, tides, undertow, runouts, and sea pests
like stinging jellyfish requires precautions for safe swimming
that aren't necessary in other environments. A swimmer's physical
condition is very important and should enable the swimmer to
recover footing in waves, swim vigorously for at least five minutes
without becoming exhausted, and remain calm and in control when
faced with unexpected conditions.
Designated swimming areas are marked by flags or pennants
that are easily seen. Beginners and nonswimmers are positioned
inshore from the standing lifeguards equipped with reach poles.
Better swimmers are permitted seaward of the lifeguard but must
remain shoreward of anchored marker buoys. The lifeguard to swimmer
ratio should always be 1 to 10, with a rescue team stationed
at the beach area and supplied with a rescue tube or torpedo
buoy. [return to top]
The Gray Areas
Make Scouting Fun, Not Offensive
By Douglas C. Fullman, Northeast Region, Boy Scouts of America
Scouting's program is designed to develop boys in character, citizenship, and fitness including mental, moral, spiritual, and physical fitness. Activities, meetings, camp programs, and campfires all contribute to Scouting's aims. Therefore, some items that may be acceptable in other segments of society are not part of the Scouting program.
One of the important elements of Scouting is FUN. In our attempt to use humor and fun activities, we must continually remind ourselves that these amusing and entertaining programs are excellent opportunities to teach the values of Scouting, and must not detract from, nor contradict the philosophy expressed in the Scout Oath and Law.
Although many leaders are able to determine the appropriateness of most program choices, there are certainly numerous songs, stories, skits, and stunts that force the leader to make decisions. To add to the complexity of the decision is that in many cases it is not so much what is done, but how it is done that makes the difference. The areas that fall between the inappropriate and the absolutely acceptable, we call the gray area.
Just because a skit, song, or story falls in one of the gray area categories does not, in itself, establish that it may not be done. At the same time, if an item is in the gray area, then a leader must exercise his judgment concerning not only the subject matter, but also the performers and their sensitivity to the values and ideals of Scouting. The final decision must be the impact the item has on developing character, fitness, and citizenship or setting the wrong example of what Scouting is all about.
The following "Gray Areas" should alert leaders to exercise their best judgment:
1. Underwear
Concerns: Nudity, natural modesty of Scouts, mental fitness, and cleanliness.
Judgment Note: The J. C. Penney Skit can be done in Swimsuits as an example.
2. Water
Victims (self-worth and self-esteem)
Persons may be hurt physically and emotionally. Equipment/clothing damaged.
Bodily Functions - Skits, etc., portraying urination, sexual acts, or defecation do not contribute to developing Scouting's Ideals and Values.
3. Toilet Paper
Concerns: Bodily Functions (see above) and Toilet Humor.
Judgment Note: "The Viper is Coming" can have a person with Paper Towels and Windex to clean someone else's eyeglasses.
4. Inside Jokes
Concerns: Only the participants or those in the "KNOW" can appreciate the humor, etc. Don't bore, or even worse, ignore the rest of us in the audience.
Judgment Note: Staff Banquets, and Last Wills and Testaments, are great uses of inside jokes and most, if not all, of the participants are "in."
5. Alcohol/Drunkenness
BSA's Unacceptables - Alcohol is the most abused drug especially within the age group Scouting is trying to serve.
Drunkenness - Making fun of people. Courtesy. Self-esteem and self-worth.
6. Cross Gender Impersonation
Bodily Functions and excessive, inappropriate exaggeration of body parts.
May become a form of sexual harassment.
Judgment Note: Can be great fun. Area that most probably fits into the "not what is done, but how it's done" category.
This guide has been prepared with the sincere desire for wholesome fun, recreation, and enjoyment for all at Scouting activities, especially campfires. Hopefully, you the leader, A find these guidelines helpful as you thoughtfully approve these activities, guide boys in making the right decisions, and personally set the example for Scouting at its best.
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. [Article in Kutztown Patriot about International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians Award.]