On My Honor ... 100 Years of Scouting Memories ... 1910-2010

Hawk Mountain Council Celebrates the Boy Scouts of America Centennial

A History Book and Memory Book for all Scouts and Scouters from Hawk Mountain Council.


The Hawk Mountain Council, Boy Scouts of America, is publishing a book to share the many stories, and fondest memories, of Scouting in Berks and Schuylkill counties, and the Panther Valley in Carbon County, to commemorate Scouting’s history in our communities.

On My Honor ... 100 Years of Scouting Memories will be a beautiful, illustrated, hard cover coffee table book full of history and stories about people, packs, troops, communities, businesses and events that shaped Scouting in Hawk Mountain Council. The release date of this book, scheduled for November 2009, will coincide with Scouting’s centennial celebration in 2010.

Take A Peak


Reading Eagle, January 25, 2009 (1.2 MB PDF)

Republican Herald, January 26, 2009 (1.8 MB PDF)

Kutztown Patriot, February 12, 2009 (0.5 MB PDF)

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