2010 National Centennial Jamboree |
26 July - 4 August 2010 |
Here is what staff members need and should bring proof of just in case ...
1. Registration Status = bring your "Letter of Appointment"
2. Medical Information = bring two copies of your "Medical Record" and the "Jamboree Medical Approved" email
3. Youth Protection = bring proof you completed YPT since August 4, 2008.
4. Balance Due = bring a "2010 NSJ Staff Application Edited" or other email showing you are paid up.
5. Housing & Dining Assignment = bring your "Jamboree Check in Information-Housing and Dining Assigned" email
6. Arrival Date = bring your "Jamboree Travel Dates" email
7. Driver Permit = if you will be driving, bring the "2010 Jamboree Driver Training" Certificate. Besides the "2010 Jamboree Driver Training" Certificate you need your valid drivers license and, if you are going to use your own car, proof of adequate insurance.
Be prepared for the weather. In June the high was 101F and the low was 56F. It rained 5 days and the highest rainfall as .7". 0.35" was typical on days that had rain. In addition 6 days had a trace of rain.
During the period from July 26 to Aug 4 the records are 101F high and 48F low. The average high is 87F and the average low is 65F. But the weather is seldom average. In June, 7 days had highs over 95F and 4 days had lows in the 50's. July is the wettest month of the year on average with over 4" of rain.
It is a good idea to take the optional Staff Training, Weather Hazards Training, and Physical Wellness Training online at the MyScouting portal. They don't take long.
The Staff Guide has a good list of what to pack; Click here for a copy of that page.
A lot of people will want to attend this 100th Anniversary of BSA event. National will try to expand the possible number of participants for 2010.
The pressure of more attendees & visitors will require more staffers too!
There are three ways to come to Fort A.P.Hill, Virginia for this event: as a participant in your local council contingent troops, or as a staffer, or as a visitor.
Each way will have it's own set of rules that must be followed.
Each council will establish a committee to manage their contingents for Jambo 2010, so you need to find out who your Council Chairman is.
Only four adult slots are available per contingent troop, so apply early.
To be on the national jamboree staff, you need to apply through your local council, be approved by your region, and be chosen by an area.
You will be able to list what areas you prefer, but there is no guarantee.
To visit the jamboree, you can come as a group or individually, but the general rule is that you are supposed to visit for only one day overall.
There haven't been tickets required before, but this time it may happen.
The dates for this event are: July 26th - August 4th, 2010.
Applications are available at: "www.scouting.org",
then click on "My Scouting".
The main Jamboree website is: BSA 2010 Jamboree Website
You must register on the BSA Jamboree Website to be on Jamboree staff.
The way the process works is to apply on the BSA's website http://www.bsajamboree.org/staff.html . Normally when applying, you would put Security and Parking on your application as your first 2 choices. Then your application would be approved by your council, go through your regional office and eventually be sent to the Security team. We have never had too many people apply for the Security team.
The security detail has been split in prior jamborees between the traffic check points within the jamboree (inside the egg) and the patrols and check points at the entrances and remote parking areas (outside the egg). Duty should be on a scheduled basis with free days in everyone's schedule.
Now a brief update on what has and is happening.
Doug Weber is serving as Chairman of Traffic and Parking for the 2010 Jamboree as he has done at each of the past Jamborees at A. P. Hill.
Doug wants every one to know they need to go through the official BSA Jamboree registration process. He checked, and many of you have not signed up yet. If you want to work in Security/Traffic/Parking/Archer then you need to register and go through the official approval process. Then you can be assigned to a team.
The 2010 Jamboree registration only offers two choices, Security and Parking, not Traffic. If you want to work specifically in Parking including Archer, then make that your 1st choice. If you aren't sure, you can select Security which is where most of our past Jamboree Traffic Control team members are registered for 2010.
Doug doesn't know what the total staffing needs for Archer will be quite yet. At this point the overall Jamboree staff registrations for Security and Parking, which includes Patrol, Vehicle Permits, Traffic Control, Parking/Archer and Physical Arrangements stands at 138 volunteers. We need over 300 just for Parking/Traffic Control so we need many more folks to register.
Register. Talk it up and get you friends to register also. The more we have the more fun it is. Help make the Centennial Jamboree the best ever.
Doug created a new gmail address for his Jamboree Traffic/Parking staff communications. It is jambosecurity@gmail.com . If you have questions, feel free to contact Doug at this email address.
The Jamboree fees have been announced. Adult staff registration is for ages 26 and over and is $795.
Youth staff registration is for ages 16 through 25 and is $397.50
If you are interested in the being on Jamboree Staff Outside The Egg, contact now!
*The BSA is reorganizing their website and these links are changing, so bear with me while I try to keep track of them.
Youth Protection Training (available online)
The Boy Scouts of America plans to move to Fayette County, West Virginia, for the 2013 National Scout Jamboree.
CHARLESTON, W.VA — August 5, 200
Boy Scouts consider Fayette site for $100 million jamboree
A Fayette County site has emerged as the frontrunner in the Boy Scouts of America's search for a permanent home for its National Jamboree, a 10-day event that attracts nearly 40,000 scouts and another 200,000 visitors every four years.
By Eric Eyre, Staff writer
-- A Fayette County, West Virginia, site has emerged as the frontrunner in the Boy Scouts of America's search for a permanent home for its National Jamboree, a 10-day event that attracts nearly 40,000 scouts and another 200,000 visitors every four years.
Earlier this week, the Boy Scouts scrapped plans to build a National Scout Jamboree Center in Goshen, Va., citing concerns about water and sewer capacity. Some area residents also opposed the project.
The scouts already plan to build a "high-adventure base" on a 10,600-acre site beside the New River Gorge in Fayette County.
Now, they're also eyeing the same Garden Ground Mountain property for the Jamboree Center, which would host the scouts' 2013 jamboree.
"This would be quite an achievement for Fayette County," said Matt Wender, a Fayette County commissioner. "I feel very good about our prospects and chances."
The Boy Scouts initially planned to build the $100 million Jamboree Center and high-adventure base at one site when the organization first solicited bids for the project in 2008. The scouts called the combined project the National Scouting Center. Fayette County was one of three finalists for the combined project, along with Goshen, Va., and a site in Arkansas.
But in June, the scouts announced plans to build the high-adventure base in Fayette County and the Jamboree Center in Rockbridge County, Va. "If it wasn't for the Goshen site, Fayette County would likely have gotten the Jamboree Center back then," Wender said. "Their intention was to do all of this at one site." At the time, the Boy Scouts balked at building the Jamboree Center on the Fayette County property because of topography, Wender said. "They felt the site was a bit too rugged," he said. "But now I think they're seeing it as less of an obstacle after discussing ways to overcome those topographical challenges. After a second and third look, there's plenty of property that's relatively flat that can be reconfigured as a place for the jamboree."
In a press release, Boy Scouts national chairman Jack Furst acknowledged the group was trying to determine whether the Fayette County site could support the jamboree, but added, "We have a lot of work to do there before we can make that determination."
In Goshen, Va., residents complained the jamboree center would cause traffic problems.
Wender said that wasn't a significant concern in Fayette County. The proposed site is within minutes of U.S. 19, a major highway. Preliminary plans call for the Boy Scouts to build four "access points" for entering the Garden Ground Mountain property. "We handle Bridge Day without too much interruption," said Wender of the annual Fayette County BASE-jumping event that attracts 155,000 people. Wender said the biggest issue would be providing adequate water and sewage services at the scouting site.
The Boy Scouts held its first jamboree in 1937. Since 1981, the National Jamboree has taken place at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia, a 76,000-acre facility.
During the event, the jamboree site is divided into regions: West, Northeast, Central and Southern. Each camp has its own bathrooms and shower facilities. More than 18,000 tents and 3,600 patrol kitchens are set up. Scouts take part in outdoor, environmental conservation and leadership programs. There's entertainment, a re-created American Indian village, and a "merit badge midway" where scouts have a chance to finish incomplete merit badges. Scouts also trade patches during the event.
After finding a permanent home of the National Jamboree, the scouts plan to hold the event there for at least 100 years.
"The long-term benefit is we would get young people coming to the county and having a great experience and wanting to come back," Wender said. "We've let the scouts know we want to be a partner. We're anxious to play a role in making this happen." If selected for the National Jamboree Center, the Fayette County site also could potentially host future World Scout Jamborees, which attract tens of thousands of scouts from around the world. Upcoming world jamborees are in Sweden and Japan.
"It's amazing," said Hayden Moore, a 16 year-old Charleston Boy Scout who attended the World Jamboree in London in 2007. "A National Jamboree would be really good for West Virginia because there's not enough scouting places here."
The Boy Scouts plan to start construction on the high-adventure base in Fayette County next year and open the facility in 2012. That project could bring as many as 80 full-time jobs and 1,000 seasonal workers to the area.
The high-adventure base would host as many as 50,000 scouts a year. The West Virginia site would become the Boy Scouts' fourth high-adventure base, joining camps in Philmont, N.M.; Ely, Minn.; and Sea Base, Fla.
The jamboree and high-adventure centers would likely be built simultaneously, if Fayette County secures both projects. "We're excited," said Art King, president of the Boy Scouts Buckskin Council in Charleston. "Due diligence on the West Virginia site is still continuing. They haven't made a final decision that the jamboree is coming here, but we're hopeful it will."
Among other criteria that were considered, potential jamboree sites were to:
* Have spectacular natural beauty
* Have water for recreational activities
* Be at least 5,000 acres and available for donation, long-term lease (100-plus years), or sale
* Be within 25 miles of an interstate or a four-lane divided highway
* Be within 150 miles of a commercial service airport with medium or large hub status
* Be in an area with adequate medical services
* Be accessible year-round via standard modes of transportation
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†The photo is from the Richmond Times-Dispatch (2005) and the artwork is by Joseph Csatari (Jamboree, 2001).